The Riddler

Incorrect! Let's see, I must have some sort of apropos Spinx-themed trap around here… ah, here it is.

Not really, no.

In fairness, it requires some specific tools that my counterpart did not have at hand, as it were. But your conclusion is also correct.

At least an episode involving me finally incorporated actual riddles. Not particularly good riddles, mind you, but that's still a step up. Now all I have to complain about is the inane and grotesque way they went about getting there. And apparently now I'm a split personality inhabiting the body of a hapless nebbish?

Can I pick the lock on a mass-produced food delivery device? Yes, yes I can.


Take the hat off, TJ.

I've been arrested plenty of times! Primarily by Batman, naturally. And yet they insist on sending me to Arkham over and over instead of big-boy prison. Don't get me wrong, it's cushy, but the clientele are uniformly annoying.

Correct! Well done sir! For your prize, please accept a… cageful of sex slaves? Good lord, Gotham, what is wrong with you? Let's go with a slightly used fireproof suit, instead.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a villain and not ashamed of it. It's just that I prefer my crimes more deliberate and elegant, less desperate and sweaty.

It pains me greatly to observe that even a nominal Edward Nygma is not immune to the ironclad law that everyone on this show is an idiot.

Go down in flames, you say?

To the guillotine!

It occurs to me that we're likely to see a significant drain on commenters from that quarter. Considering the bulk of the people around here hate Gotham to begin with, it's going to be very quiet for a while. I just hope enough come by to try their hands at the riddles each week before I get bored.

At this point I'm less angry and more curious as to how on infinite Earths they even came up with this character and thought it was a serviceable version of me. Stalking women, flatly confessing to crimes, killing people in fits of rage with my bare hands, accidentally? It's baffling. The only thing we have in common

I cry foul!




Go do your homework.