The Riddler


"Nora Charles of the cape-and-cowl set" is a much preferable role to "recurring supervillain lust object," yes.

I tend to think all my comeuppances are disappointing, for obvious reasons.

Yes, yes, you've made that abundantly clear. Personally, I find petulance boring, but that's just me. Good day.

Good God, no.

Okay, fun's fun but if you're just going to be snide and insulting, take it elsewhere. That's my job.

And people wonder why I keep those around.

And explaining that you failed due to poor observation skills and your disinterest in an arcane subject is supposed to be an effective defense why, exactly?

Well, since you asked so nicely.

Well, that was easy. Of course, I'd be embarrassed too if I incorrectly answered a riddle whose solution had been guessed twenty minutes ago. The catapult seems like the best choice all around.

Great, you're hired. I'll just run a quick background check (if you're an undercover GCPD officer or Robin in disguise, I'll know) and deliver the initiation details via an elaborate chain of clues. You'll know it when you see it.

Well, I like any story in which some version of me turns out to be the mastermind behind an improbably intricate scheme. But my counterpart's fixation on Mrs. Elongated Man struck me as… perplexing. Don't get me wrong, she's a lovely woman and by all accounts smart as a whip, but my fixations tend to be more… abstract.

I like your moxie, kid. How do you feel about green formalwear and being punched in the face by angry people in Halloween costumes?

WRONG! Oh, if only I had a trap modeled after a vaudeville stage hook… oh, here it is!

Oh, don't get me started on my portrayal in the Arkham games. I have many, many problems with it.

Thanks, but my Do Not Accept Food Or Drink From Arkham Inmates rule holds firm.


Guess I'd better start work on the labyrinth.

Maybe you should just give up. It sounds like that puzzle's just too far over your head!

TIME'S UP! The correct answer is… regicide! (Several of you were on the right track, but I specified "the battle to rule Gotham" for a reason!)