The Riddler

Gosh, thanks Jervis, there just weren't enough embarrassing copycat versions of me running around already.

I considered it, but "this guess is a surface-level take on race and class that skews heavily toward paternalism and reinforcement of the upper-middle-class white audience's self-regard" seemed too wordy.

Depends on the venue and the level of preparation. My preference is for a remote control center well removed from the action, in another location entirely if possible. It makes it more difficult to respond to malfunctions or other problems, but it's that much funnier when Batman comes charging out of the place and

First part wrong, second part all too true. But mostly wrong!

Oh, fine. Baby gets his bottle.

Oh, I have many kinds of traps! There's your classic wall spikes, the laser grids, the spring-loaded false panels, the poison gas, the razor wire, the dummy exits… really, I don't know why everyone fixates on the pit so much. It's the simplest trap I have! There's such a plethora of painful comeuppance to explore!


Suicide is painless. But this won't be!

All these years later and still funny.

Well, if you insist. Take a deep breath now!

Only if you want the game to last longer than one turn.

The question, much like slyfox himself, is open-ended.

Only if you two take your meds and we use actual croquet mallets. Flamingo bites hurt!

No, that would be the correct answer if the question were "Where can I find the internal organs of @slyfox1908:disqus ?"

I like it. Have a treatment on my desk by next week.

It's thematically appropriate, I'll grant you that, but Oswald prefers sports that take place in more enclosed, less sniper-friendly locations. Occupational hazard and all that.

Whatever I want. Most likely committing elaborate crimes involving fiendishly difficult brainteasers. Maybe some squash with Oswald.

Bitter complaining, however accurate, is no substitute for proper riddle-solving!

Been there, done that.

Technically true, but uninteresting. So, no.