The Riddler

You're sending Jervis Tetch against Darkseid. Really? That's your plan? What are you hoping, that he'll annoy the Lord of Apokolips to death with improv poetry?

Graph-based traps don't account for a large area of my villainous plot, but they serve an important function.

I get it.

Wrong of the answer!

I find your lack of correct answers disturbing.

You've phailed.

And I will have to say you're wrong!

No, that's just Gotham's natural state.

Oops, typo. It's fixed. Normally I'd wreak horrible revenge for correcting me, but you managed to kiss up to me at the same time, so I'll call it even.

Sorry, your riddle-solving skills just hit rock bottom.

Yes, rumor has it you and he are coming to blows soon. Gotham's bookmakers are all over it.

No promises.


As it should be.


That's pretty decent. Leave your resume if you're interested in henching work.

You're right! That is in poor taste!

Oh, everything's about you. "Mr. Riddler, I want a clever exit line!" "There's no bathroom in this knife pit!" "Please let me go home to my family!" Whine whine whine.

CORRECT! An Ogre is defeated by Puss in Boots! You win a recently confiscated selection of torture equipment, only used once nine times or so.

Speaking of flopping, thanks for this handy demonstration.