Noted. Your assistance in customizing your own torment is appreciated!
Noted. Your assistance in customizing your own torment is appreciated!
I put that in just for this site's numerous Simpsons fanatics. And to test the mechanism for the 1000 kilogram weight falling after it.
Points granted for an apt Shakespeare reference. Points redacted for Disney reference. This is Warner Brothers country! But because I like you, I'll refrain from pulling the lever.
Oh, I do love a good pun. Yours, on the other hand…
It's that mewling speech pattern and shifty demeanor that just screams honesty!
Well, several of them have tried to whack him… but no.
If your Penguin's Umbrella last longer than four hours, consult a physician. In fact, why don't you go ahead and call one now? You'll understand why.
Poor Heisenberg, you can always know the velocity of the answer, but never its location. Your own, location, on the other hand, isn't going to be pretty.
I see someone's reptile brain is in fine form.
Yes, thank you, all of those things are birds. Congratulations, you'll knock 'em dead next year in third grade.
Ah, my arch-nemesis, Mister Literal! Wait, did I say arch-nemesis? I mean annoyance.
Apology accepted! Characteristic snark aside, I'm glad to have you play along every week. Don't worry about it.
Sorry, pal, but no matter how quick you were, the fact remains that you changed your answer, and that's grounds for booby-trapping in my book. Once you post, stand by your response. As you can see, there's no guarantee I'll see the change and it could mislead everyone else.
Yes, your (second) answer was correct, but I could only see your original because I'm not constantly refreshing the page like a 12-year-old girl trying to score One Direction tickets. Recent or not, editing your answer is still grounds for booby-trapping. No tweaking! Claim denied!
Take it up with him, he's probably down there somewhere.
Ha ha, yes, the show's name also spells Got Ham. I think this joke has been well driven into the ground by now. As have you!