I didn't ask what Gotham's sign was! I'm not hitting on it in 1975!
I didn't ask what Gotham's sign was! I'm not hitting on it in 1975!
Smartest response anyone's had yet.
Sorry, people, but I'm calling this one early due to technical shenanigans. The answer is Bullock, being both a beast and the star of this episode. Now, you might say, "But Mr. Riddler, didn't @cinecraft:disqus guess that?" To which I say "I'LL ASK THE QUESTIONS HERE!"
You pull your own lever too much as it is.
Hold the phone, did you edit this response and the one above it? I just refreshed the page and they both changed.
I don't see how holding a rooster would force someone to write a bad script. Unless it's a cursed rooster, or there's some sort of childish innuendo here that I'm purposely talking around so you're distracted when I spring the trap.
Sorry, I'm not up on my X-Men. The last time our two universes crossed over I spent most of it tormenting Daredevil. Like this!
Gosh, I sure hope people keep making this exact same Simpsons reference every damn week.
I'm sorry, but a winner is something you will never, never, never, never, never never never be.
Ooh, that's a great idea! I should build a hidden door out of which an angry bull comes to gore people! Well, until then, you'll have to make do with this booby trap.
You're having a stroke. Seek medical attention. Because you're going to need a lot of it.
As you wish.
Yes, yes they are. Now if only that had been the question I asked, you'd be sitting pretty. As it is, you won't be sitting at all for a while.
Leave the riddling to the professionals, kid.
Well, fair warning, I'm aiming for my riddles to be directly related to each episode, so you may have to watch if you want to answer them. On the other hand, if you'd rather flail about wildly and be mangled by my various traps, be my guest.
At what point did I give the impression that I care at all what you want?
Not at all, you always have the opportunity to fail! Oh, and the trapdoor pit is currently closed for cleaning, so I switched to a new booby trap. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.
Correct! Damn, it's hard to gauge the level of this place sometimes. Clearly this one was too easy, so I'll have to recalculate. On the plus side, this means I don't have to waste as much time here as usual. Silver linings and all that.