The Riddler

For the most part, yes, I'm glad to be getting some recognition on that front, but I'm hugely disappointed in my portrayal in Arkham City. If you haven't played it I won't go into detail, but when I finished my own side quest (and you would not believe the metaphysical hoops I had to jump through to obtain and play a

True, I sometimes fantasize about dallying with the Round Table, particularly whenever I'm stuck in the Arkham cafeteria listening to Joker go on and on about how underappreciated the Ritz Brothers were.

@avclub-bbb04f2a70775131fa0397bbdb4c03de:disqus  I'm always in favor of more riddles, but I simply don't have the time. I'd be happy to gossip about my fellow rogues, if you really want the thread to keep going.

That is genuinely astounding. Clearly it is your mind that is strong and flexible, Gumbercules. That or you cheated.


@avclub-e28fbf78474e81cf5246e15a4097f6ba:disqus  In that I cut off its head before it was completely dead!

Oh, is this the part where people who didn't even try to answer the riddle complain about the answer?  I love that part.

I've covered this before, but my calculation on when to reveal an answer generally involves two questions: number one, have attempted answers largely petered out? Number two, am I getting bored? Question two usually takes precedence.

Ah, what a fine collection of tree puns. But none of them right! The correct answer is, of course, that he's a complete ash.

A ball point banana!


And still I get nothing. Oh well, congratulations, Sava! Your delightful Batman writeups have kept me sane through these troubled and reboot-filled times.

Damn, I'm sorry I missed it. I always like to spend the day sabotaging their efforts to make them backfire and framing other inmates. I don't consider it a successful April Fool's day until I anonymously instigate at least one pointless rumble in the exercise yard.

Correct! The Club is really on a roll these days. I'll have to move up my periodic reassessment of your intellects. It appears I've made a rare underestimation. Fascinating.


Thanks for that, Zsasz. I've often fantasized about finishing the job myself, but I worry that laying a hand on my counterpart might trigger some bizarre multiverse-wide crisis, like when Flash and Reverse-Flash high-fived the universe inside out or whatever that was.

Incorrect but clever. Partial credit!

Correct! Either you AV Club people are getting smarter or I need to put in more work on these. Although, given the extreme crappiness of this revamped universe that Sava commented upon, I'm amazed I'm holding it together as well as I am.


What, are you suggesting that a cursory application of critical thinking would reveal my riddle to be an utterly absurd trick question motivated mostly by my contempt for the villains du jour?