I Control Sound

I hated spelling bees so I would misspell a word early on.

I just looked that up for somebody yesterday. It's about an hour away. Maybe it's time for a short road trip.

Now that I think of it, that's worse than a slam because you have time while locked together to pause and realize what you are doing.

I did find something very low resolution. It looked more like Greco Roman wrasslin'. Legs apart. Hands around each other's shoulders / neck.

I recently caught some reruns of each. I had never realized how similar the set designs were, down to that same shade of green.

Puke. The second or third time I saw this as a kid when it first came out, the theater was so crowded we had to sit one row back from puke. I think they just covered it with sawdust in a hurry to start the next screening.

"If I take money from you with no intention of giving it back, that it theft"

My job has me talking to between 40 to 60 people over the age of 50 every day. It's very rare that somebody his age would sound like he does. I sometimes speak with people that had a stroke or are early into dementia and they make more sense than him.

You can't go wrong with almost any Gilmour solo. They are so expressive, like a human voice. I was just thinking the other day how the guitar solo in Time, the sax solo in Us and Them, and the vocals on Great Gig in the Sky convey the same depth of emotions. It would be interesting to hear each of them played with the

I would hope so. Some other comments early on from those involved seemed more like "this is the final straw" instead of "this is news to me". Just like how the other major story of today was ruled suicide in half a day, there is probably more that we are told.

If they would just get off by themselves they wouldn't need Planned Parenthood.

It can be two things.

I used to think Apple made the most wonderful smart phones . . . then I realized, look who's telling me that.

Well, their creative force recently died, so there's that. (Sorry, I'm just being an asshole. I actually don't mind them and have gigged with their former incarnation.)

It's going to be death by a thousand cuts. At one fuck up per day, we still have a ways to go.

We actually had two pet rabbits in our basement. We couldn't let the dogs down there, or keep their cages in the yard, because they could freak out and literally kill themselves. We finally took them back to the breeder. What's the point of having a bunny when you can't sit with them on the couch and watch TV?

Each spring I now scan the yard for rabbit nests. Our French Mastiff has eaten a couple over the years.

I just thought it was an excuse for an easy pun.

I worked with a band in the mid 90's that did an abbreviated Passion Play in front of them while they played a re-worked set of their songs. It was cheaply done but still cool. Roman guards, flipping money changer tables , a six foot high cross dragged through the club. Good times, good times.

I have a license for my pet fish, Eric. He is a halibut.