
Two mentions of Ben Affleck having a wide penis tonight.  How much pull did he have in the writers room on that?

I don't know if this has bee brought up in prior comments, but to me, a major arcing theme in this show has been the hypocrisy of women. They cheat but don't want their husbands to.  Nina's flip flopping loyalties.  Elizabeth being all for Mother Russia but doing what she wants anyway.  There are more, but you get the

As a Serbian (God that sounds pretentious), I feel bad laughing at my own culture. But Happy Endings is so. damn. funny.
Even when they get our people wrong I laugh.  Although some of the things the grandmother said sound awfully close to what my grandmother (and grandfather and mother and father and etc) say…

1. Thank GOD that Richard "Silent Q" Halmarq is gone.  He stayed way too long.
2. I loved the gasp when Patricia thought she was out, even though Heidi was just saying her name.

Dare I say that it wasn't, gulp, bad? 
I mean, we finally get some good forward progress and the show starts to show a bit more potential.  I just wish NBC wouldn't give up on things so easily.

How come I felt absolutely no emotion when Danny, a main character on the show, gets shot? I think the show did that for pure shock value and it wasn't necessary to the storyline.  Although I found it humorous that the entire first half of the season was getting Danny back, and the BAM. Dead. Waste of time.

I think that Juliette is the weakest character on the show, and she acts so helpless and needy.  The show needs to either do something with her, or get rid of her.
Personally, I am in favor of her falling into the pit in her floor for a few episodes…or forever.

This is where the whole team challenge problem comes up.  Designers that would have been eliminated many episodes ago are still in.  I'm looking at you Richqard.  
At this point, I need Richqard to be eliminated not only because he is one of the weakest designers, but mainly bequase I can't stand his little

Is this the most naked that FX has gotten? I know American Horror had tear jerking, but we had full sideboob as well as almost nipple and almost penis.
So far, the American nudity is better than the Russian nudity.

As my mom says in regards to this show, "Everyone is so damn whiney."
And I agree.  These people need to shut up and start dealing with their problems.
And Karen is stupid as all hell for giving up Bombshell.  Does NOBODY on this show understand how show business/broadway work?

Is the show forgetting that Snow White was pretty bad ass when she was on the run? I'm pretty sure she willingly killed people then. Maybe her bad ass-ness was in the hair.
And we get to see what fairy tale person Bael's fiancé is next week. But does he know…

I think that we all like to see trainwrecks, and that's why this episode wasn't bad, at least a B in my book. The clothes were absolutely terrible, but that could have been fixed with an extra day in the challenge (but Thunder was probably on a tight schedule).
But what do you design when the client says they want

In the last Fringe scene, I looked away from the TV for a second then all of a sudden Karen is in front of a big billboard with different hair and I was all "wha…"
But at least it wasn't boring.  And if we MUST have Ellis return, can he reappear and fall off something tall in the same episode and never come back?

I still have a feeling that Bealfire's fiancé is going to turn out to be something from Neverland too, just hopefully not Tinkerbelle.

Proto Furry, after Hook is stranded in NYC with no money, no boat, and no clue what a cell phone is let alone any technology, he is forced to turn to the age old profession of whoring.  You could say he's a "Hooker."

I think the only thing that kept this from being an A episode was that the one line Henry had was delivered with such ridiculous pomp-"I drove the boat!"
The series would have benefitted from locking him in the closet with Hook.

I wish there was a bit more of original sketches rather than repeats, but it met my expectations, which as a jaded youth, surprised me.
Also, I thought that Tarran Killams's Caligula outfit was a wardrobe malfunction waiting to happen.

Presenting the newest comedy troupe to tour the US and Germany, featuring Tim Gunn and Swatch the Mood Dog with Heidi and Frank, the Duck.

I was thinking for a while that the dagger was going to end up being in Gold's cane.  
And wasn't Snow bad for a while in the fairybacks when she was kicking ass and killing people with her ridiculous weave?  And she should've kept the dagger when Johanna said to let her go? C'mon! (in the Bobby and Andy voice)

I thought the episode was meh until the funeral's "IS THAT A W SHIRT???"
Did not see that coming.