
The warning before the show said that there was nudity, but the closest we got was Elizabeth's bra and simulated bj action.  We have yet to see the coveted man ass.

Well, Amanda is from Nashville and therefore is contractually obligated to state that she loves Miranda Lambert. Also, she knows the music business because her brother is a member of Maroon 5 who is not Adam Levine.
And did anybody else think that Lambert had an odd shaped head?

The head writer, show runner, whomever, needs to get over the fear of making a character an asshole.  The only set of balls on the show are Eileens! Even her husband, the perceived bad guy, has likable moments.

This show has too much lateral movement and not enough forward movement.  I found myself screaming at the TV "Just do something already!"  And the characters need to be less predictable.  I realize that it's a show and not real life, but still…

Well Rumple is going to send Henry away to another magical land to save his own ass.  Which, judging from the promos, is going to be Oz.  Therefore, Henry is James Franco.

Henry and Emma aren't from Storybrooke so they can come and go (emphasis on Henry and go) as they please.

But if both princes are alive, then can you imagine how bad the special effects would be to make them fight each other? Makes me shiver.

Not. Hooks. Boat.

Isn't it six dwarves because one crossed the town line? And did they say the flight from Maine to NYC is 42 min or did I mishear? And is whistling while they work contractually obligated?

I did like that this was the first time we saw designers on the winning team getting scolded for creating something awful.  Certainly the glittery hoar fabric fart would be in the bottom, no?

I think that Ron is actually Archer's real father.  And car boosting flashbacks either clue in or totally fuck with the year Archer takes place.

At least I'm not the only person who thinks Marshmallow Fluff looks (and tastes) like Elmer's Glue. Maybe Julia's writing sucks because she's secretly eating paste like a kindergartner.

I thought the Bud Superstitious ads were a good way to cap off the ads that ran all season.  It was almost like it was planned all year long…

Hook just got in this world yet he knows how to use a gun?  Hmmmm?

Mulan: "I had to show my people that I can do the same as men."
Belle: "How did you do that?"Mulan: "Through musical montage of course!"

I think I figured it out.  Pepper is bloody face.

Is Regina's fairy back sometime in the 80's with the big hair shoulder pad dresses and all?

Is Regina's fairy back sometime in the 80's with the big hair shoulder pad dresses and all?

I thought the plot twist of the week was going to be that Miles and Monroe were lovers. The way they looked at each other longingly in the hallucination.

I thought the plot twist of the week was going to be that Miles and Monroe were lovers. The way they looked at each other longingly in the hallucination.