Lack of Name

They ran an editorial just straight up arguing that it's okay for the President to be corrupt and collude with a foreign power as long as the economy is going okay.

What a hellish dystopia that universe must be.

The Canadian Lumber thing is kind of interesting—is that up there in reaction to the spat over the tariff, or does Bannon have really strong feelings on Canadian lumber for some reason?

Venezuela update: The Constitutional Assembly will not just be writing a new Constitution, but just straight governing the country for at least two years. They are also giving Maduro the power to govern by decree. So, they're just overwriting the actual legislature now. Their first action was replacing the Chief

Detroit: A very good, socially conscious torture porn movie. Also, while John Boyenga gets pushed the most in the ads, Algee Smith is far more of a lead.

But the Australian PM 'won'! Trump agreed not to blow up the deal Obama made, even though he hated it. Trump got nothing out of it, except being able to bitch on Twitter.

Or his candy dealer is raking it in!

Well, Trump isn't going to welcome immigrants anyway.

It's hard not to read the attempts to fashion a rivalry between Harris and the Bernie wing of the party as anything other than an attempt to create an "identity politics"-free version of progressivism that is only concerned with white working class males.

It's one terrible thing for him to make bizarre statements like that at campaign rallies, it's another terrible thing for him to still say those things in private conversations with world leaders.

I mean, his actual, privately discussed plan is to say "We'll talk about it later" whenever reporters ask him about it. That's the kind of plan a 6th-grader uses to get out of doing homework.

So, this confirms that he had no idea what to do with the wall, and is hoping that people will forget about it if he stops talking about it.

Venezuela update: the firm which which handled the vote count in the Constitutional Assembly election has said the vote count was manipulated, with at least one million votes added. Given that all the candidates were Maduro allies, a high turnout is the main claim for the assembly's legitimacy. Maduro says the vote

Eh, lots of Presidents have had signing statements that amounted to "This bill is dumb as hell and I hate it, but I already know a veto wouldn't work, so…" It'd be a stretch to call this an impeachment worthy offense.

I would like to know how they figure hiring Scarramucci, and firing him less than two weeks later, are both not dumb.

If the CSA did somehow win, when would they have got rid of slavery? I say 1950's at the earliest.

Maybe this will be what they move to after healthcare?

Immigration reform and re-orienting the Civil Rights division of the DOJ to focus on protecting White college students indicates that we are moving into the "explicit white nationalism" phase of this Presidency.

I haven't seen the Travolta movie, or read the Elmore Leonard book it's based on, but from what I've gathered about them, that's quite the change. I'm pretty sure the main character was Italian Mafia, for one thing.

International news: Brazilian President Michel Termer managed to avoid getting suspended on corruption charges. It would've taken a 2/3 majority vote of the lower house to suspend him and send the case to trial in the Supreme Court. Despite an approval rating in the single digits, Termer was able to wrangle roughly