Lack of Name

I will disappear, then comeback…completely unchanged, surprising no one.

Also, there are reports that the Trump administration is considering diverting Civil Rights resources into investigating white people being discriminated against in College admissions. Because if there's one group of people that need a leg up in this country, it's white people that are prepared to go to college.

Honestly, I don't think Wikileaks even identify themselves as 'journalists.'

Wikileaks has started to distance themselves from Fox's reporting on Seth Rich, tweeting that Fox went "beyond" anything Wikileaks had said. Which is technically true—Wikileaks preemptively declaring they would not confirm or deny they had any contact with Rich, before anybody had even asked, does fall short of

Needless to say, the Boy Scouts deny that anybody made any call to Trump after the speech.

International news: Brazilian President Michel Termer is facing a vote to begin impeachment tomorrow. If two thirds of the lower house of the Brazilian legislature vote to send Termer to trial, he would be instantly suspended from office for six months, and face a trial at the Supreme Court on corruption charges.

I'd give Kelly a year at most, before Trump blames him for some scandal and throws him overboard.

The 50 state strategy people were calling for would require running conservative Democrats in conservative areas. And not just 'to the right of Bernie' conservative, either.

The Constitutional Assembly vote in Venezuela is now drawing international pushback, not just from the US but also the EU, Mexico, Colombia, Peru and Spain. The Venezuelan government puts voter turnout for the Assembly at 41%, while the opposition (the Democratic Unity Roundtable) and international observers put

Your pregnant wife leaving you, missing the birth of child, over a job you lose before you technically even begin: The American Dream

Trump knows what he talked about, he's just too dumb to think of a lie, and thinks the entire world is too dumb to put 2 and 2 together.

I'm more inclined to think that it's just Trump not knowing what policy actually is, and the military erring on the side of caution. I don't know what the current policy is on transgender troops, but it's probably a lot longer than 140 characters.

Trump really overestimates how much influence China has with North Korea. Most likely, somebody explained that China is the only country that has any influence with North Korea, and he just got stuck on that and thinks China can just order North Korea to stop the missile tests.

GLOW was referencing Yakov Smirnoff.

The Constitutional Assembly is Maduro neutering the opposition controlled legislature, and will most likely end with him becoming President for life (in practice, if not in actual title). Every other country which has commented on the situation in Venezuela—which began with Maduro controlled courts literally

That's what I assume. Even after the election, he was all in on Trump, posting memes and asking 'why don't liberals give him a chance' (not an exact quote), etc, then just stopped.

It's kind of weird gray area, where the Tweets are official communications, but in this instance provide so little clarity on the order that the military would largely be acting on their own if they actually did attempt to implement it. In theory, if Trump tweeted out a fully comprehensive new transgender policy,

Like the last Republican President 'you want to have a beer with,' Trump doesn't drink.

There was a pro-Trump gay person in my Facebook feed. He was a Bernie or Bust type that actually busted, driven by unabashed misogyny. He hasn't posted anything about Trump in a few months. (for further context, he's also latino).

They are official White House communications, but that's separate from actually being policy. Announcing the policy isn't the same as actually implementing it—something that is usually figured out before the announcement. Right now, it seems the military has no instructions beyond those tweets, which leave a lot of