Lack of Name

Trump has congratulated Erdogan on the Turkish referendum to expand Erdogans power. The vote is tainted by claims of voter fraud and various sorts of election meddling (such as harassing opposition in flimsy charges) but Trump went full steam in supporting a power grab. Decline of Democracy continues.

NKs desire for nuclear weapons is an idealogical goal as much as a practical one—at this point, I can't imagine what they would exchange it for. The best bet might be an actual peace treaty, instead of an armistice; could help calm them down.

Yeah, if nothing happens with it, it'll be dismissed as just another wacky tweet. But just normalizing this kind of rhetoric is a legitimate threat to American democracy.

Also: the fact that Trump is learning about this from President Xi, and openly admitting it, is a strong indicator that China will be the definitive global superpower of the Trump era. It's only a matter of time before their sphere of influence expands westward.

For bonus points: he tweeted "the election is over" when he himself was still attacking Clinton last week.

In a conventional war, North Korea losses. In a first strike, they would kill a lot of people in South Korea, but their military relies on out of date Russian and Chinese surplus, while the leadership is constantly being purged in political struggles.

Trump has called for an investigation into who funded the Tax Day marches. He did this by tweet, so it may go nowhere, but a sitting President openly calling for his opponents to be investigated just because they openly oppose him should be a big deal.

So, that's why my penis burns!

Ooh, look at mister "I have a dissertation." You think your fancy book learnin' impresses me? I went to college too! I mean , one that doesn't exist anymore, but still.

Seems likely. There are some proposals to mandate that Senators stay in session during budget talks until something is passed, and another that would cut Congressional salaries for ever day the government is shut down. So, they are worried about it.

I mention this upthread, but Trump is planning to follow through on his threat to undercut the ACA. His plan is to wreck healthcare for millions of Americans, blame the party out of power for giving them healthcare in the first place, with the ultimate goal of using the money to find tax cuts. It's terrible at every

53% of white women voted for Trump. He also won among low-income voters (I don't have the exact number off hand). So, rich white woman supporting Trump isn't much of a mystery.

The Australian Foreign Minister has advocated closer ties to China, as a response to Trumps incompetence.

Trump has said he plans to withhold insurer payments, to hasten collapse of the ACA and force Democrats to engage in healthcare reform. This is a bad idea.

Some Pentagon officials are pushing back, calling that report 'totally absurd.' Given how nobody in this administration seems to know what anybody else is doing, who knows.

Does he at least ride a skateboard while performing surgery?

He's already taking the 'blame' for the dollar being too strong.

I get him confused with Lillie Mae all the time.

Hey, a Dexter crossover!

Trump is also learning that the North Korea situation is complicated — who would've guessed? — after a 10 minute lecture on China-North Korean relations from the President of China. This isn't rumour or hyperbole: Trump himself said he thought he could just tell China to take care of it, then President Xi explained