Lack of Name

Every few years, people say Allen's new film is a comeback, then his next one…isn't. He might have one or two good ones left, but he's at a stage where he'll have more hits than misses.

Trump has said he intends to reach out to moderate Democrats, which will be…interesting. Democrats are digging in against him, and "I need your help, my allies have betrayed me and I can't count on anybody" isn't exactly a position of strength.

Next thing you know, people will be expecting the commander in chief to know how military raids work.

Earlier today, Trump tweeted that people should watch "Judge Jeanine Pirro" on Fox News tonight. She had a segment calling on Paul Ryan to resign over the AHCA debacle, and defending Trump as blameless on the grounds nobody should've expected him to know how legislating works.

Trump appears to be following through on his pledge to "bomb the hell" out of ISIS, with increased air strikes in Mosul killing over 200 people, many—perhaps most—being civilians.

Trump sabotaging the ACA would be pointless, cruel, and dumb. Why implode it if it's clear he has no replacement? And if he thinks he can undermine health insurance, then blame the party out of power for giving insurance in the first place, he doesn't get how being President works.

It sounded too good to be true.

There are actual, serious reports the Papa Roachs "Last Resort" could be heard playing in his car as he drove away.

Yeah, I really don't see how Trumps budget passes now. Good news for PBS and Meals on Wheels.

The blame game over AHCA is going to deepen Republican division in Congress. Many are blaming Paul Ryan for writing a terrible bill in secret and trying to fast track it in under a month, others blame the Freedom Caucus for being assholes, and some blame moderates, who killed it off when they came out against it last

In many democracies, Trump and Ryan would resign after fucking up this badly.

"They said they were going to kick my ass, and my ass has been kicked! The fiends!"

No official reason, but I can't imagine they'll keep doing the "AHCA vote has been delayed, again" thing while negotiations are stalled.

Everything about how this bill is being handled is insane. They're forcing a vote on it without an updated CBO score, as the President openly admits he doesn't care and just wants to get it over with. If there's not a vote tomorrow, there won't be for a long time, possibly ever.

"A lot of people don't realize Lincoln was a Republican."

But for 10x as much money.

My God, they're ripping off the Miles Teller Fantastic Four.

Soon, he will be the Power Rangers.

That is the concern. Republicans might decide that the victory of repealing Obamacare justifies whatever replacement Paul Ryan slaps together.

Free market?