
Should have researched before posting. Not that fairly recent V television series, I swear there was one in the 80's with aliens or something. Probably got the name totally wrong.

I saw that V the series while a kid (it scared the hell out of me) and on my dad's bookshelf was this book named V. I always assumed that show was based on that book.

Still doesn't sound good.

Whatever the pilot's story was, it's pretty likely that he was getting too… oops didn't read ahead

Up here in the far northeast, the only two seasons are winter, and the couple days you can wear shorts, so we go crazy and bare as much skin as possible out in public.

I really have to admit that I like having all the pockets. Generally I'm using almost all of them.

The bus station is not a "residence hall"

I don't know what else to wear for shorts other than cargo, perhaps the old army-style ones. I don't think I've ever worn land shorts with no pockets or like two pockets. I guess I will wear my bathing suit everywhere and strive for hipness that way.

Man, that's awesome. Sort of a cross between ZODIAC MOTHERFUCKER and Jim Anchower.

but can I get a triptik from one of them?

Wendy, gimme the bat, gimme the bat Wendy….

God I love the civil reasoned discourse that comment forums like this encourage. Oh well, this is the future of communication.

Was it, really, th'only part? Could use more umlauts.

Yes! Someone else who hates all these fucking acronyms! They're both trendy and lazy at the same time - how cool can you get?

Thank god we've got someone who DOES understand.

There's an institution somewhere that lets you teach?

Did you not know that was a joke?

That's exactly what happened when I was a guerrilla radiology medical assistant! I couldn't keep track of all the sultry CT and Nuc Med techs!

I'll be surprised if I read anything better than this today…oh crap..it is happening…again….

My parents were murdered, but not in a concentration camp, so do I not get the child-rape pass?