
You myd bro?

Is Tarkovsky's former AD posting again?

Using fancy-pants words like "interest." What's next? "Deposit"?

I love how you politicize mental illness. It's true that therapists/doctors should ask every patient if they would prefer the democratic/liberal treatment or the conservative one. Only those damn liberals are capable of being compassionate for drastic measures taken by depression sufferers.

B) You have to desperately want to impress people at all times with your amazing wordsmithery.

That's awesome. I only have Mezcal Head and just got Raise. Any recommendations?

I considered writing some sarcastic bullshit or other, but I noticed you made a reference to Swervedriver. Mezcal Head. Fucking love that album and no one has ever heard of them. Duress.

Although our gun laws are among the most lax in the country. No permit required to carry openly or concealed, as long as you're in the state. Don't even need to be a state resident.

I'm in New England and not only do I not hold the door for people, I actively try to slam it on them.

You…………………………………….SLEAZE merchant

I'll bet you have good friends that are British people.

Jesus Christ. Fuck italics. Clearly there were no cool parents to teach me anything useful.

Hmmm. That is interesting, thank you. My problem is being so lazy that the system described looks like a shitload of extra work. But when I really <em"need"< em=""> those italics I'll give it a whirl.

That *is* a damn great song. (Not popular and influential enough to know how to do real italics.)

Upvotes ARE pretty fucking important aren't they?
Also, complaining that you don't get enough votes seems to be a good way to get yourself some more.

I'm not.

He definitely would have had opinions to share.

I am genuinely curious how people manage to watch this much TV. (Yeah I'm 4 days behind on newswire - can't even keep up with that)

We're just stuck with the standard McDonalds…used to be a Red Lobster which did particularly poorly here.

I used to be like Boze175, starting fires I have no memory of, but then Matt Cunningham and his T-shirt entered my life. Now I get wasted….with awesomeness!