
Hydrocodone? Do people even feel anything with that? Shooting dilaudid is the way to go.

I know I come to AV club for their hard-hitting coverage of the world political scene. Good point, man. And nice self-upvote.

Us whiteys, we can't get anything right!

I enlarged the picture and imagined we were both inside those suspenders and I was licking and drooling on your hair product and then I fucking came all over myself and my cubicle mate

Yes! Take a stand! Perhaps immolate yourself in the street.

Didi the father-to-be choose to be in the room during the traditionally messy insemination process?

I've never looked at this thread before, never knew it was "post random shit about yourself" thread… and I've been loitering here since like TomWaits and TarkovskysFormerAD times… I remember the day the "when you someone eat it" thing was posted. So what I'm basically trying to say here is that I have no life and I

game over man!

Religion is not a political movement - who cares how many christians there are in hollywood?

How do you have any time to listen posting 1009 comments solely re: Swift (as BT pointed out)?

I ain't lettin NOBODY see MY ball-peen-hammer

What is the distinction, exactly, between hard and soft core nudity?

Dr. Drew. Christ. Just thinking that name starts angerin' up the blood. Adam Carolla always had the better advice on Loveline anyway.

yes, exactly, we're all "threatened"

what are you talking about?

what's a penes?