Yules Vert

I seriously can't figure out why either of them are legal. The difference between Uber and a Cab is… what? you use your phone instead of flagging them down? There's a paper thin legal fiction that you're contracting with the driver, rather than the company? and somehow this gets Uber around all existing municipal

I don't know if this analogy scans. I mean, I like watching the best athletes in the world play their sport of choice. I don't think I'd tune in to watch some random shmuck play beer league hockey.

That strikes me as incredibly arrogant. Even Dan Harmon watched S4 of Community when he found out he would be back for S5 (although he remained pretty disdainful of it). If you're not trying to be on the same page as your audience then your not writing for them, just yourself.

They could always make it a time jump and have the sequel be about finding the second death star (we'll finally see all those dead Bothans!). I mean, I think that's a terrible idea, but it's something they could do without treading on 'A New Hope'.

Hey, it could be worse. You could be from a country with 90% of it's population within 100 miles of the U.S. border; with economies so interlinked that any disaster of Trumpian proportions will undoubtedly fall just as heavily on you; but you don't have even the option of nominally affecting the outcome, so you just

In my experience (granted, not in a U.S. jurisdiction), the problem with NDA's is usually the 'punishment' part of the equation. You're not allowed to have 'punitive' clauses in contracts (if you do this, I get to slap you/fire you/charge you $5000), you can set the amount of damages owed for a breach, but these have

That… totally makes sense. It would explain basically all the problems with positing her as a Skywalker or Solo. Like: why would any of the 'good guys' abandon their daughter on a desert world; and why would Han or Leia not acknowledge her when meeting her later? Because they thought she was dead!

IIRC, that was the explanation in the EU as well.

One, if you're David Cameron.

You're right, a few people on twitter do speak for an entire generation.

$250 is pretty ordinary for a random regular season game in Canada, (for any team that isn't the Senators) so on that scale its worth it.

Bryzgalov: Hockey's greatest ambassador

How would Andy threatening to fire Dwight have helped at all? They were all about to lose their jobs, Dwight was clearly comfortable with that.

See edked's post above. I just tried it and it worked!

I am a lawyer, and in my well-informed legal opinion, you're kind of a dick.

Agreed, according to my limited experience: a buddy of mine got hired on  as  a PA for 'RV' (awful robin williams/jojo vehicle) because they were filming it at his house and he hung around for the first day of shooting. That became his job for the summer. It was bitch work, but he was well paid, obviously no

Looots of heroin here. (in Vancouver)

yea, the Canucks are so much worse than the Habs, right? Oh, wait.

That actually sounds a lot like something she would say…

Well I did say 'almost' everyone, my girlfriend also doesn't think its funny, although she's subjected to it on a weekly basis anyway. It just seems weird that for me, Community is like this water-cooler show people bond over, and yet  I always hear about how its on the verge of cancellation. Ditto Parks and Rec.