Yules Vert

Almost every person I know watches Community, including vague acquaintances and people I have very little in common with. Hell, even my 60+ parents watch Community. So do I live in some kind of weird bubble where Community is a hit show? or are Nielson results skewed toward certain types of households? discuss.

I guess that means its… flame off.

gloat sure, but false?

I do the exact same thing, OP, and yes, it does make me really hard to follow in normal conversation. I took vocal classes actually, and it cleared up, but only when I'm speaking formally, like making a presentation at work. So yea, brotherhood Rabin.

Thirded, in some people talent enhances hotness, see also Peggy from Mad Men. For counterexample see Paul Giomatti

perhaps he'll buy an exotic pet, like a llama, or an emu

looks fine to me… must be the CancerAids spreading to your eyes.

I don't know what any of those things are, but they sound awesome.