C.S. Lewis Jr.

Sargaard does utter contempt very well.

I love Shattered Glass, also Breach. I consider them to be two peas in a pod: weasely, sneaky guy getting caught at his weasely sneakiness.

My favorite part was the one where he healed Sandra Bullock's urinary tract infection and then brought a dead mouse back to life.

Fantastic Mr. Fox
No. 9? Really? Actually, that makes sense because that's the number of other people that were in the theater at a 7pm Friday show. When I was buying tickets, there was a lady ahead of us with four kids varying in ages from 3 to 8, and she was buying tickets to Old Dogs. I wanted to have her

Loose Stool, ever seen a "women in prison" movie?

I do so enjoy
the fact that Marshall is the nicest, kindest, sweetest person you could possibly imagine, but will slap the everlovin' shit out of Barney with no provocation and with no remorse whatsoever. I think there's more than a little of Mike from SLC Punk! in Marshall.

Wait, but who's going to overpronounce the fuck out of Spanish words and names when Angel and LaGuerta are gone?

Hm, no, I like what I said better.

00's suck. The only albums on the list that I really liked were Clinic's "Internal Wrangler" and the White Stripes album. I'm just a curmudgeonly old fart who likes rock 'n' roll music, I guess.

We are of one mind, duder.

He wants to get all up in your bidness!

That first photo
looks like it is from Breast Self-Exam!: The Musical

That was the worst episode I've seen in a while. I don't see how it could've gotten an A-. I didn't laugh once.

@Eric Kahn: Nice Southern Culture on the Skids reference.

Was he riffing on Gilbert Gottfried? He always used to do a joke about an alien spaceship landing, and then the aliens come out and the first thing they say is, "Ben Gazzara's a good actor! Why can't he get a series?!" and then they shrug their shoulders and make that "you tell me" gesture.

Wait a minute…
I didn't know they were with IRS. I didn't know IRS still existed. Miles Copeland, that greedy bastard.

Is this Justin Hankins guy for real? I'd like to think so. I think the world is a better place with him in it.

I've read Deliverance about three times; it's my #1 favorite sodomized-by-hillbillies novel of all time. I first read it in high school for a BOOK REPORT. Luckily, the teacher was pretty permissive. Anyway, I hate this WUIB because I own To the White Sea, but haven't read it, and I've got lots of other stuff I want

[Goodbye Horses]Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me. I'd fuck me hard.[/Goodbye Horses]

At first glance I thought that said Edward Gorey, and after reading the synopsis, it's not far off. Sounds pretty dark and fucked-up (which is good). Unfortunately I'm teats deep in books that I haven't read yet, so I'm filing that one away for future reference. I just discovered Alasdair Gray and I like what I've