
It was good, but not great - I feel that it warrants a good half dozen episodes before it's written off. With a cast this good it at least deserves that much of a chance. Not every show that we love has always had a terrific start - season 1 of The Office was pretty terrible, HIMYM was a tad shaky (and hokey) out of

The criticisms are fair
But for me, the show is rapidly turning into a slightly (and I do mean SLIGHTLY) less unrealistic version of 24. And I liked 24, so I don't feel bad for liking this.

The sister played a hooker on The Shield who was particularly close to Vic Mackey. Took me three episodes before I placed her (looking it up on IMDB is just cheating, man).

"He's got to lose eight pounds in two weeks!"
I laughed at this, and at the comment that MMA fighters use meth to cut weight over a period of weeks since, you know, those fights aren't regulated or do drug testing either. Most of them sweat out 8-10lbs 48 hours before a fight as a matter of course. The idea that their

I must have blinked and missed it. Who did she play?

Summer Glau needs a new agent
But oh my god, she is hot. I sit through this dumb-yet-entertaining show mainly to enjoy her in my living room for an hour.

Oh, nice episode title too. "Ring a ding ding" is one of Rizzo's lines from Grease…and Katie sings an Olivia Newton-John song. Coincidence? I THINK NOT.

Yep, the Katie scene really got to me too (especially as someone who's been on the receiving end of similar news from a guilt-ridden fiancee, sigh). She did a great job with what would be an incredibly generic scene in most other shows. That's what I love about Terriers - even the traditional plots feel fresh.

Slight nitpick
It was Piney who said "we're the good guys", not Motel Guy From Memento.

Lie To Me is basically CSI: Faces. It's OK to kill time, but the show is fairly formulaic.

That was kind of my point!

It's entertaining in the same way that taking a shit feels good.

The music is absolutely horrible, yes.

That interview broke my heart. Between that and her appearance on Top Chef she has been moved to the "pretty to look at, please don't ruin it by talking again" column. Fnar.

I don't think that the American Policy Institute is intended to be an outwardly facing kind of institute like Heritage or Brookings. From my viewings, it's more of an independent contractor for the National Security Council to sift through the piles of information the intelligence agencies gather day after day rather

Which makes a kind of sense as well since the kids look like goddam juggalos.

Seven, Nowhere and…uh…Constantine
1) The scene in "Seven" where Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt are at the DA's office after his wife says the painting is upside down. As much as I enjoy the whole scene (especially Pitt bending over a table and saying out of exasperation, "See this? This is us."), the moment where the

"Muscle memory took over…"
Late to the party on this, and I haven't read all the comments, but how beautiful was Marie's statement translated to how Hank managed to save his life when the twins brought hell with them?

Comment of the year. Awesome stuff.

One more to pile on the "this was a good episode" bandwagon. I actually read the review before I watched the episode tonight and the last half hour really had me believing that they were actually going to pull of the rescue. It was visceral, tense stuff that - and I do agree here - has been sorely lacking most of the