
My personal favourite quote
"No! Haven't you seen CSI it's like, Clue Town in here!"

Are the writers making this up as they go along like they do with "24"? OMG WE NEED SOMETHING MORE FOR HER TO DO THAN JUST BE ANNOYING, LET'S GET HER NAKED FOR NO REAL REASON. And I'm not complaining, mind, I enjoy a nice set of cans as much as the next guy.

I assume you meant Snakes & Barrels?
Also one of the show's finest moments - where the (fat, washed-up) band of Pickles' past are freaking out on the psychotropic hallucinogens they've been mickeyed with and Toki bashes the brains in of the guy screaming WOOOOO YEAHHHH right in his ear. The payoff when Murderface -

I could do better than this
After watching the first two episodes I feel like this is almost like Michael Bay watched the first season of Lost and said - possibly while smashed on absinthe - "GUYS, I CAN DO THIS TOO".

"Security cop"?
I'm pretty sure Fatty McExtortionist is actually a real cop.

Maybe that's something they'll figure out in the coming episodes.

I thought Katie was going to say she wanted to come home…
…and that she was going to realise she didn't fit in with all the snooty rich kids. Instead she was mortified at her mother's behaviour ("it's all over school!!!!") and acted like the spoiled little rich bitches she's hanging out with.