
I just feel like the show's a mish mash of tones that don't quite fit, between very subtle character drama whenever Tami Taylor's is around, the more melodramatic/entertaining hamminess of Juliette Barnes, and then the actress playing Scarlett being very literal with the wide eyed thing (and verging into horrible Glee

I just feel like the show's a mish mash of tones that don't quite fit, between very subtle character drama whenever Tami Taylor's is around, the more melodramatic/entertaining hamminess of Juliette Barnes, and then the actress playing Scarlett being very literal with the wide eyed thing (and verging into horrible Glee

I don't think it was wildly out of character Chris to marginalize Mindy at all- I see men much like Messina, perfectly intelligent and reasonable men do things like this to their women co-workers all the time.  It doesn't make them ridiculous or bad people- it's just up to the women to prove them wrong, just like in

I don't think it was wildly out of character Chris to marginalize Mindy at all- I see men much like Messina, perfectly intelligent and reasonable men do things like this to their women co-workers all the time.  It doesn't make them ridiculous or bad people- it's just up to the women to prove them wrong, just like in

Oh my god I am in tears right now laughing at this.  No one in my office noticed me silently exploding luckily.

Oh my god I am in tears right now laughing at this.  No one in my office noticed me silently exploding luckily.

I truly don't understand the outright slam on the bowling alley scene, and the unfair comparison to Glee.  The choreography was way more inventive and witty than any of the remedial and cheese-tastic group dancing on Glee.  Bobby's beautiful arm extensions as he throws the bowling bowl alone is way more interesting

There's a comment complaining about how they auto-tuned the singing too much, and I find that really odd as I thought the best thing about the show was how they were conservative on the vocal engineering.  I guess you can argue that there is considerable amount of cleaning up of the vocals, but compared to Glee, it's

I don't think it's possible to come up with a sexier context to frame Brandon Flowers than that video.  And the production value is seriously wow!  I totally expected Claudia Cardinale to pop up at any moment or for a Peckinpah-esque bloodbath to commence, but then space robots showed up.  I with all music videos were

Steve- I LOVED your anecdote about the kids!  It made the review.  More of that please!

Everytime Purnsley is on screen, I get viscerally annoyed.  I know it's adhering to the acting style of the show, but the actor's delivery is way too slow and hammy.  That episode when he was first introduced in the jail cell, I involuntarily cringed and uttered "ugh, community theatre" even though I was watching it

Diane's "No, I love criminals" line had me laughing HARD and rewinding like a little kid.  Especially gratifying, because I find Anika Noni Rose's acting super mannered, and thus super annoying.  I suppose the mannered thing fits with the character though, so I shouldn't hate on it too much, but still really fun to

I actually didn't mean that Von Trier's stuff was comparable to Godard- that was just an example of a director that pissed me off, but that I still grudgingly respect.  Not familiar with Dreyer, but Bergman I'm very much a fan of, and I just don't think Von Trier can ever measure up.  I would say that Breaking the

Let's!  I poured my heart into that comment post right there (instead of doing work, oops), so if you enjoyed it, then we shall definitely be friends. 

I'm not a big "love it or hate it" person when it comes to movies and directors, and try my best to forgive less than perfect works, as long as they are partially interesting/successful.  Films by people like Godard drive me nuts, but I do come out of the theater having to acknowledge that he at least raises complex,

I loved this episode too, and I don't understand this new trend of backlashing against will they/won't they romantic plots on TV shows.  It's a classic story element that never goes out of style.  I also feel like this show was clearly marketed as a rom-com with a side of bro-bonding humor, so it seems weird to have

If writing what you know, and chronicling a hard time in your life was enough to make for good television then everyone's journal entries would make for a scintillating watch.  Also, making a personal attack about a critic, just because he dared express his opinion about something?  That's not really a valid way to

I really fail to understand the notion that Andy Bernard is somehow a weaker version of Michael Scott, or a straight up rehash.  For me the weakest & most grating part of The Office was when the show & Steve Carell went overboard with the Michael Scott character.  Andy Bernard to me is a fortified Michael Scott, a

Glenn Close as a man looks like Conan O'Brien!  Another Conan look alike androgyne!

omg all types of errors up there, this is what happens when I post comments in between staring at Excel spreadsheets. There is no Dan Draper in a non existent tv show called Mad Man obviously…