
Same Kermit, but with more angst and a hipster's musical library.

total Mad Man rip off
Come on, James Spader's character was just a second rate Dan Draper rip off. Having said that, I guess integrating a poor man's Don Draper character in to The Office would at the least be interesting to watch if difficult to execute.

Sad Kermit singing Needle in the Hay
AND he reenacts the whole scene from Royal Tennenbaums. So brilliant.

30 Rock got it so right
Um, can you say "Hard to Watch: Based on the Novel "Stone Cold Bummer" by Manipulate"

Lars Von Trier is a total hack. Don't blame "the audience" He's not even a very skillful director, many of his movies have very inconsistent character developments, and super expository dialogues. He has a gimmick, and a somewhat interesting viewpoint, but he's not very effective at translating them to film. At

I liked this movie when it was actually called
The Black Swan- come on, this joke hasn't already been made ten times and over? I'm surprised.