Black Aunt Viv

ownage!! well played sir; I am originally from North Carolina and I would like to associate myself with your remarks. (I may be hurting your cause in doing so, however, because I opened my statement with the word "ownage" and I don't always properly capitalize words when posting on the interwebs.) Also, I am a 22

am I the only one here who really had no idea what distaff means? I had to look it up and apparently it was some tool to make spinning thread easier and it used to be slang for the females in a family tree…but seriously, is everyone else here just going with it or what? PS I only commented here because it was a

yeah dude, tell me about. I left anthro/archaeology for programming partly because I wasn't great at it/deeply committed but also because I had trouble taking it seriously when a colleague would invoke Marxism or something even wackier like the Panopticon or Pierre Bourdieu when talking about ancient Mississippian

yeah, several of my professors and colleagues self-identified as Marxist; I believe anthropologists/archaeologists (among others) use it as a materialist political theory for interpreting group dynamics and stuff; and they are commie-pinko leftists.

David Sedaris told me Houston was better than Paris. No wait, that's not right…

yes, this. based soley on "rapsplains"  I would give you the open newswire position.

Me too; full beard (usually) neatly trimmed, doesn't go too far down the neck. I had it since I was in late teens (13ish years ago). On the rare occasion that I shave it off, my wife, my friends, my dog, and yes even my own mom, freak out and instruct me to grow the beard back. The reason is simple: with the beard I

Its some sort of conspiracy with disqus, because blatantly trashing things that are awesome is one way to drive the comment count waaaay up (not really a problem on the site anyway though). Your point about being humble to play through certain parts of this show is spot on. I've thought about this regarding Danny

SPOILER warning next time? (I'm ignorant)

but in all seriousness, the comments section here is different. I had shunned comment sections many years ago because people are so terrible and I was always tempted to try to engage in arguments with people online, but really whats the point? Several years ago I took a chance and scrolled down on the av club and read

also, I guess these guys are supposed to be Neandethals, right? And Neanderthals definitely overlapped in time and space with modern humans despite the reviewers assertion otherwise…(and, very small elephants, also a thing that existed)

oops, yeah I was thinking his name was spelled LeBoeuf, which I guess would be the beef (I knew a girl in high school with the last name LeBeouf or LaBoeuf or whatever and we always called her "the beef." She freaking hated it, which looking back I can understand). I know vache is one word for cow also.

I was at a wake and a very sweet old Irishman kept making everyone eat non-stop. He brought around a quiche (of which I was totally going to take some anyway) and told me that it was a manly and powerful quiche. I heard him repeat this line several times to others (men and women)…

I think it really means "the beef" (although beef curtain or steak-flower are actually much better answers)

Seriously, what a pretentious tool…I take back what I said about how Lebeouf was pretty good in Lawless. One does not get to go from doing a bunch of shitty transformers movies/Crystal Skull to being a master thespian.  It just isn't done.

You've seriously made my afternoon (well done, as I know that was your intention)

You know what? I never liked this kid; never really saw any of his movies anyway so I guess I didn't give him a chance. I saw Lawless, and he was actually pretty good.  Tom Hardy was way better, but still.  Speaking of Lawless, its a pretty flawed but also totally badass film (ps I am 31 not 14 so don't ask).

Once every couple years, my usually sweet and reasonable wife becomes belligerently drunk and start shit talking people and slapping drinks out of peoples hands and picking (verbal) fights.  For some reason we call this alter-ego Ludwig. I know, cool story bro.

man I need that box cut, with the high temple fade…

sorry, that was a poorly executed attempt at a 30 rock reference…carry on