you know someone name Arsenio Billingham?
you know someone name Arsenio Billingham?
I love checking the spoiler-space for piece of shit movies I know I'll probably never see (or care about). It's about the most enjoyment I would be able to get from them. I this came on TV and I was really drunk, though, I might watch it. (although I would repeatedly yell out, "LOOK OUT, SHE"S A GHOST!"
I've always really loved this episode for many reasons, but I think it boils down to a couple things for me: good number of quality gags and jokes (visual and otherwise), the mob mentality rearing its head, and Homer gaining power and behaving badly. The thing about the reposted SNPP reviews that is so…
OK, this is may be a stupid question (and doesn't really have a bearing on whether I will see it but I'm curious): is it in English or German?
I have a large(ish) vegetable garden, can you swing by later?
Hey everybody! New Jeep FREEDOM EDITION!! you know, they give all profits to the troops! (OK not so much that as just to exploit patriotic sentiment and feelings to sell jeeps)
[Intro: Justin Timberlake]
I be on my suit and tie shit, tie shit, tie
I be on my suit and tie shit, tie shit
Can I show you a few things?
A few things, a few things, little baby cause
I be on my suit and tie shit, tie shit
I be on my suit and tie shit, tie shit
Let me show you a few things
Let me show you a few things
Speaking of things that are great for stoners (and everyone else), this is a Mr. Rogers Remix that was actually commissioned by PBS a year or so ago. I really like it; if you haven't seen it, please check it out:… …
I hafta say, she is pretty great in the handful of New Girl episodes I've seen (and I was fully prepared to hate her based on her success, my own insecurities, some other stuff she's done, etc.)
Fresh Prince could've been more popular if they hadn't replace me with a lighter skinned Aunt Viv (man I've been waiting for this thread)
he wanted to say "shut your ass down," (which is far less awkward sounding and doesn't invoke hilarious imagery) but Tarantino doesn't traffic in foul language
he's also a gay fish
definitely in my top ten…see above comment, maybe we can protect each other when the merciless beatings start raining down on us
For a minute I thought that was Mr. French (and although I might get a beat down for this, The Departed is one of my top ten favorite movies, despite some questionable accents)
I had to pop myself a beer…I know and love this song from when I was 10
I had to pop myself a beer…I know and love this song from when I was 10
Are you really a star trek reference?( just googled it out of curiosity) I'm a big fan of your work and was imagining you as something cooler…like a sentient head of broccoli who's worked his way up to lieutenant on the wire or something. and yes for the record I am sort of a fresh prince reference
Are you really a star trek reference?( just googled it out of curiosity) I'm a big fan of your work and was imagining you as something cooler…like a sentient head of broccoli who's worked his way up to lieutenant on the wire or something. and yes for the record I am sort of a fresh prince reference