Black Aunt Viv

Since the term is generally regarded as offensive and shouldn't be applied to actual mentally handicapped people (or LD or whatever), I wonder if it will ever have an acceptable usage similar to moron or idiot, which were once used as medical (psychology) terms for people of certain IQs.  I'm not saying it should or

Since the term is generally regarded as offensive and shouldn't be applied to actual mentally handicapped people (or LD or whatever), I wonder if it will ever have an acceptable usage similar to moron or idiot, which were once used as medical (psychology) terms for people of certain IQs.  I'm not saying it should or

vampphibian? Can we just have a big discussion now about how stupid the banner ads look for this"Killer Karaoke" nonsense? I can't abide the face that woman is making OR the face Steve-o is making OR what I assume to be the concept for this soon to be cancelled crap-fest. Can we have this discussion now? Or is it

vampphibian? Can we just have a big discussion now about how stupid the banner ads look for this"Killer Karaoke" nonsense? I can't abide the face that woman is making OR the face Steve-o is making OR what I assume to be the concept for this soon to be cancelled crap-fest. Can we have this discussion now? Or is it

Adult co-ed kickball or get the fuck out…also, hashing…

Adult co-ed kickball or get the fuck out…also, hashing…

I think its pretty funny that in Ireland, "Fanny" is an incredibly crass word for vagina, but here in the States is basically baby talk on par with hiney when referencing the derriere.

I think its pretty funny that in Ireland, "Fanny" is an incredibly crass word for vagina, but here in the States is basically baby talk on par with hiney when referencing the derriere.

is there a place where removed comments get sent to? I always wonder what the offensive and/or hilariously offensive remark was

is there a place where removed comments get sent to? I always wonder what the offensive and/or hilariously offensive remark was

I, of course, totally missed the reference…"like a child that wanders into the room…"

I, of course, totally missed the reference…"like a child that wanders into the room…"

awww c'mon, PBR is easily the best tasting crap beer I know of. You put it up against Busch, Bud, Coors, etc.; PBR is like a craft brew from a third world trailer park (I drink it fairly regularly). Fun fact I learned from reading Devil in the White City: PBR got its name by winning first prize at the 1893(?) world's

awww c'mon, PBR is easily the best tasting crap beer I know of. You put it up against Busch, Bud, Coors, etc.; PBR is like a craft brew from a third world trailer park (I drink it fairly regularly). Fun fact I learned from reading Devil in the White City: PBR got its name by winning first prize at the 1893(?) world's

maybe that's his daughter's kitchen

maybe that's his daughter's kitchen

I saw Quantum of Solace before seeing Casino Royale and I really liked Quantum a lot more than anyone else, apparently. I thought it was pretty dark and "realistic" for a Bond film and I have been surprised to learn that my opinion is incorrect. I need to go back and rewatch it before seeing Skyfall because I remember

I saw Quantum of Solace before seeing Casino Royale and I really liked Quantum a lot more than anyone else, apparently. I thought it was pretty dark and "realistic" for a Bond film and I have been surprised to learn that my opinion is incorrect. I need to go back and rewatch it before seeing Skyfall because I remember

The goggles…they do nothing!

The goggles…they do nothing!