Hey thanks for the advice everybody…so if I lived in my ancestral homeland of Ireland I could stream the whole first season in a couple hours, but instead I live in crappy America where I have to wait two days for the discs to arrive in the mail…
Hey thanks for the advice everybody…so if I lived in my ancestral homeland of Ireland I could stream the whole first season in a couple hours, but instead I live in crappy America where I have to wait two days for the discs to arrive in the mail…
what did Billy Ray Cyrus do there? Did he soil himself? Or was Miley taking bong rips of salvia up in there?
what did Billy Ray Cyrus do there? Did he soil himself? Or was Miley taking bong rips of salvia up in there?
so can I just jump in here and ask for some advice? (I've seen probably 10 or so episodes and pretty much fucking love this show.) I want to get deeper in, so should I start at the beginning of season 1 or is this one of those shows that took a season or two to get awesome? (I think I have seen a season 1 episode…
so can I just jump in here and ask for some advice? (I've seen probably 10 or so episodes and pretty much fucking love this show.) I want to get deeper in, so should I start at the beginning of season 1 or is this one of those shows that took a season or two to get awesome? (I think I have seen a season 1 episode…
I just made myself an awesome quesedilla (sp?) for dinner. It was so spicy that I am now high (and I can see through time)…A little beer will put out that fire…
I just made myself an awesome quesedilla (sp?) for dinner. It was so spicy that I am now high (and I can see through time)…A little beer will put out that fire…
Ok, that made me laugh, er, out loud. But seriously, good one. I just can't bring myself to write shit like "lol" (without quotation marks), even when it's true. I mean I'm not a teenage girl, I'm a middle-aged black woman.
Ok, that made me laugh, er, out loud. But seriously, good one. I just can't bring myself to write shit like "lol" (without quotation marks), even when it's true. I mean I'm not a teenage girl, I'm a middle-aged black woman.
in a big pan cook some diced up chicken, onions, red bell peppers, fresh mushrooms, like at least 4 cloves of diced up garlic and all kinds of appropriate spices (but add way more than is appropriate). In a separate thingy, use a jar of pre-made red spaghetti sauce (doesn't have to be that fancy just don't get Ragu or…
in a big pan cook some diced up chicken, onions, red bell peppers, fresh mushrooms, like at least 4 cloves of diced up garlic and all kinds of appropriate spices (but add way more than is appropriate). In a separate thingy, use a jar of pre-made red spaghetti sauce (doesn't have to be that fancy just don't get Ragu or…
are you talking about the Russian street drug? if so, I'm pretty sure it does exist (PS I would follow your link but I'm afraid of what I might see)
are you talking about the Russian street drug? if so, I'm pretty sure it does exist (PS I would follow your link but I'm afraid of what I might see)
ha ha ha, that used to pop up on the arcade game of TMNT when I was a kid, and maybe…Streetfighter? I'm guessing that came up on tons of vid'ja games back then
ha ha ha, that used to pop up on the arcade game of TMNT when I was a kid, and maybe…Streetfighter? I'm guessing that came up on tons of vid'ja games back then
Wow, I forgot about corner gas…I remember randomly catching episodes of it several years back and not knowing what to make of it. Then I realized it was a Canadian show…oh, OK that makes sense then; Canadians are nice, I like them…
Wow, I forgot about corner gas…I remember randomly catching episodes of it several years back and not knowing what to make of it. Then I realized it was a Canadian show…oh, OK that makes sense then; Canadians are nice, I like them…