Black Aunt Viv

look people, our dicks are telling us to look at stuff with hot 17-23 year old ladies in it (whether it be porno or some vicarious sick-ass shit like law and order SVU).  what are dicks are telling us to do is not right. we must conquer our own dicks and realize our perception of the world was been totally fucked

yeah, a friend of mine told me that Intensity (by Koontz) was his favorite novel.  I gave it a try, and seriously, I gave up after 80 pages…it sucked hard.  Koontz seems like he's all motivation and believes in himself but just has no talent…

yeah, don't look it up…man, some Japanese people are fucked up (sorry other Japanese people)

Hey Remember in 'Ernest Goes to Camp' when he was getting an injection from the Native American camp doctor and for some reason he yells out "I am Joseph Mengle." I never understood that as a kid but laughed anyway because he said it funny.  I still don't totally get it

its the house for all the gay bats to do gay bat stuff. like the one at my local zoo

you know, he really is almost svelte by today's standards

heaven is a truck? I get it, I get it

I like how in the ad for the rum diary I'm able to tell it's the late 1950's because he has his boxers pulled up higher than we would do in the late 20th century or early 21st century

man I'm bummed about the fucking cocksmackers from big-bang theory staring out at me from the margins of my screen…I mean seriously can we talk about this? the douche on the upper right looks like he's mentally undressing me, the obligatory (somewhat) attractive lady looks like she's happy and pissed/horny at the same

you're an evil little boy and that's concentrated evil coming out the back end of you (we're Catholic)

I'm Smart! Also, did anyone else notice all the fucking typos and grammatical errors in this post? Long day O'Neal?

yeah, me too

yeah, I thought the same thing when I read the post about Random Task brutalizing/gang-raping  that woman like 15 years ago.

I found a Clovis point in situ yesterday, so I'm not too worried about it

he does have the boorish manners of a Yalie

yeah, that is the way to remove a…ugh 'ke$ha, but in all seriousness (because ticks are more serious and important than douchy piss-pants keesha) don't use a match, just use tweezers (or fingers) pull gently but firmly, apply steady pressure, try not to pull too hard b/c you dont want to leave the mouthparts in

wait, Tim Burton didn't direct 'Attack of the Clones'!!

I was just being an asshole…I'm totally aware attack of the Clones was directed by Guermo del Torro

man I was waiting for someone to reference that episode, well done…what is that like season one?

stephen king was into gang bangs with eleven-year-olds; when he was using rich person amounts of blow