Black Aunt Viv

not to be an asshole (and I may be wrong) but…I think the word you're looking for is pretense…or I may be wrong, but yeah, Fuck Tim Burton, except for the five or so films of his I like (Pee-Wee's Big Adventure, Batman, Edward Scissorhands, BeetleJuice, and Attack of the Clones)

Tell 'em large Marge sent ya…(also, you know those tags on the mattresses that 'do not remove'? well I cut one off)

the neighborhood I grew up in America ripped off every English sounding name it could for streetnames-Trafalgar, Whitcomb, Old Friars, Townes, Nottingham, Chippenham, Brookshire, Linsbury, Hempstead.  I mean those are all pretty British, right? Help me out, actual British people

honky grandma be trippin'!

hey does anyone know why there is a picture of Mitt Romney in a Hoodie and backpack at the top of this article?  (I don't get to see much of 'the television')


Hey, what the hell is Terriers? (seriously) are you British?  I am A-murican and not too bright

YES! thank you for mentioning the cartoon (which i used to love when I was about 10 or so).  The whole Beetlejuice in Hawaii thing with magic surfing somehow made me think of the cartoon too

yeah, I'm usually really enthralled by her work for about eight minutes at a time, then I'm all like, "meh"…

I read that there's the big statue and then there's a wall that goes with it and it has like a hundred (I dunno) King quotes on it and this is just one of those

Agreed.  Some of his novels are solid start to finish, but just as often they revert to lame formula for a shitty ending.  I just read Duma Key, and the first 75% was great, bordering on literature (whatever the fuck that means).  Spooky confrontation ending slapped on the end and call it a day.  and you're right, his

Seriously, when I got to that part in It, I really started to wonder if Steven King was a closeted pedophile.  I mean, seriously, what the fuck was that? we're trapped underground and there's a giant spider after us so lets stop and all have sex with our one friend who's a girl, and by the way, we're all eleven.  I