Dick Valentine

No the best is I go to watch the replay of BB at 11:30 and instead some dumb new shitty show called instruction manual is on. Don't try to ram this garbage down our throats AMC!

How do I teach my son to have faith in humanity when things like this happen?

You mean "Shit Sandwich"?

Same thing brought me in here. It brought up some fuzzy memory from the late 90s. I seen the Business at CBs with some other band that I can't recall. But no just some douche bags in tight pants lost in the woods.

Thank you Franko. That cotton eating one sounds very familiar. Don't recall Kate's drunk friend though. Haven't seen Alf since it originally aired.

Oh shit yea I remember that now! The 80s had all those special episodes that stuck with you.  Mainly because they endlessly creeped you out. I still remember watching that Different Strokes episode. And yes as somebody above has said the king neptune line was the thing I recall the most. By the way did Alf have a

Yea I feel the same. Even though it's not a rarity for a band to have at least one or two assholes in it, I still have a hard time listening to their music after I hear shit like this. And if true stealing a fellow band members cash is a very high level of assholeness. Or is it assholery?

I just go to my local dollar store which sells all these graphic tees from Old Navy. Guess they are overstock or slighty off so they can't sell them. But I can get a t shirt for $3 that ON will try to sell to me for $20. I love my Smooth as Butta t shirt but I know it didn't cost more than a couple of dollars to

Fred from the B 52s, Roddy Bottum the keyboard player from Faith No More. And hey you can't go wrong with 70s Elton John.

Isn't this the chick that had fat Axl Rose slobbering all over her?

Oh god yea. We don't need that shit. The neo hippie movement just rubs me all kind of wrong and not in a good way. I could understand back in the '60s that you could be all drugged up and naive enough to think the world could be healed with a hug. But it's 2013. Stop that shit! But you know what? Go ahead. Go hug a

Ok in that light it doesn't sound cold and callous. As long as Bonham can keep it in his family name. Could Zepplin's record company or anyone attached to their business sue for proceeds? Holographic rights seem like a grey area.

Can we get the holographic cat back in the bag? I'm surprised we haven't had a flood of these things since Tupac though. Especially with the state of the record business now. It will probably wind up being a part of future contracts. Once you're dead we'll be parading you out on multi date tours in holo form.

I'm like that with Dave Grohl and Ozzy Osbourne. Since Nirvana Dave seemed like a cool down to earth guy but I don't like much of what he does with the Foo Fighters. Ozzy you have Sabbath and maybe Blizzard of Ozz. But he's seems like your fairly harmless bat shit crazy drunk uncle.

Stop being evasive Pink. Kanye hit you with some hard hitting questions. What the fuck was that song you were performing? Why did you get not one, but TWO fucking songs?! And Kanye didn't get to perform Heartless? You know who's heartless? It's you Pink. Fuck you!

I actually like this movie. I had seen it years and years ago on ABC's late late movie and I picked it up cheap on Amazon awhile back. You know to refresh my burned out memory. No it's not a horror movie. I don't see how it could possible scare you. The disembodied ghost voice and banging bathtub are a little creepy

Fuck Chipotle! I used to love my Burritoville and then the Chipotole shit show showed up in town and Burritovilles started closing. Hell with them. When people go raving about Chipotle I always bring up the McDonalds connection. But it never sways their opinion. People love that shit. Or getting the shits.

When I saw that stupid mask on her face I thought of paintball. And then I thought you know what would be interesting, if she did this whole new six hour museum thing. Just her dodging and getting hit with paintballs while her crappy music plays in the background for six hours. Kind of like shoot the freak that they

That's like Tom Waits. He did it the right way. Any of his personas from the down on his luck lounge singer, the carnival barker or the bluesman can keep him making music till he drops (hopefully at 100 or more) and he won't look foolish. Most of those personas actually suit him more now in his sixties.

if he does it, I want him to go full on old school country. Not this poppy bullshit they try to pass of now as country. And seeing it's R Kelly I want song titles like 'tonight she pisses on another mans heart'. Maybe even shoot a promo that looks like it was from vintage Hee Haw. Nudie suits and all. Don't half ass