Dick Valentine

"Hello Peppermint this is Thor! What do you think of Thor's hammer? What would you like to do to it?"

Oh yea didn't think about that. Damn yea that'll probably happen. What the hell were the names of those stupid robots with gold teeth from Transformers 2? Weren't they unfortunately voiced by Tom Kenney?

He does look to be on the receiving end of a successful popcorn trick. I imagine this is how Bay casts his female stars. Well at least Fox. How else is she gonna get work?

It would be funny if it does wind up in the Avengers sequel. Don't know why or how it would but I can imagine the scene now. Tony walking in on Thor, Hawkeye and Hulk watching Pepper getting slammed. Hulk yelling smash over and over again. Captain America would pretend to be too much of a gentleman to watch but you

I always found it funny that a guy that has had gay rumours following him for years would star in a movie that sounds very much like a gay porno.

This is true. Hippies are what kind of soured people towards the Dead. Even worse these modern day neo hippies. It's a shame though. The Dead do have a lot of good music. Granted you'll find a lot of stuff in their catalog that'll make you say jeez dude you should've dropped one less tab. American Beauty is a great

Tony Starks sits wondering how in the hell he's going to unload 75 grand worth of sex toys he just stole from Michael Bay.

Has anybody mentioned yet that these sex toys were stolen from a Michael Bay movie set and that they could be very dangerous to use? One wrong insertion and BOOM loud head rattling hard to focus with all that damn quick second editing explosions! Or that fleshlight could transform into some annoying borderline racist

I think in the battle of loud obnoxious robot movies Pacific Rim would win my money. That at least has Hellboy in it. Plus Bay has suckered me before with the steaming piles of shit he calls movies. You couldn't drag me into another Transformers disaster.

Iggy and Tom Waits talking over coffee. A really cool scene from a movie that I know I've seen but have no recollection of. Maybe the only good scene? No idea.

Hey I think you could raffle tickets to who wants to strap explosives to that asshole Chris Brown. Lines would stretch for miles. Local economies would be stimulated. Or make it fun and festive for everyone and shoot him out of a cannon.

Wait someone would have an issue with Chris Brown tying explosives around himself?

I think it's pretty good. Not great but I didn't listen to it expecting to hear Raw Power. The Weirdness I just couldn't get into it. It had this forced vibe to me. Iggy didn't sound comfortable. Iggy is embracing the full on Iggy persona throughout most of Ready to Die. Honoring the past. And he acknowledges in the