Teacher in China

I don't know if I could handle watching it all together like that. I'd be a mess for days afterwards.

Right. And a vote for Trump because you're hurting and angry is just like punching yourself in the gut when you have a stomachache. Treat that hurt with love and acceptance, like Bernie Sanders :)

Having the "America" song playing at the end makes me think there's some kind of symbolism happening here; I think it would be hard for people not to equate that with Bernie Sanders' recent ad, especially given the amount of political conversation around the bar in various episodes. Is this Louis preaching for the

Definitely, I think I'm going to do that every Saturday for the next 10 weeks just to fill the hole left by the absence of new episodes.

Man, I love it when it kicks in at the end of an episode, especially considering it's usually accompanied by some emotional gut punch ending. Heck I love it at the beginning to coupled with that image of the bar logo.

Wow, holy crap. I'm going to be a mess for a while after this one. Still on the verge of tears 10 minutes after finishing it…what a fucking show.

Melvins solo albums

Did anyone else get jarred by the change of setting to the doctor's office? I think that's the first time we've set foot outside the bar building, no? Feel strange to me, and may be another little comment on realities by the C.K.

You beat me to it - was going to say the exact same thing.

Possibly. Never heard of it though. Sounds like some serious wish-fulfillment by a Chinese author though…

I used to see these all over the place, especially at the markets in Beijing when I lived there. Fakes and forgeries are so common and usually so shitty that I was never tempted to buy one. I kind of regret that now!

Right. But having a chip on your shoulder is one thing. Teaching a whole new generation blind hatred is another. I had a kid in English class once, she was about 10 years old and we were practicing "If.." sentences, say "If I ruled the world, I would kill all the Japanese people." And then she laughed. And all

Can't wait to hear this new record. Love "My Bedroom is a Mess" and lots of Heavy Vegetable and Goblin Cock stuff. Glad you're back, Rob Crow!!

Well, everyone has their own experiences, but certainly the amount of time I've spent in China now (10 years +), and especially the time I've spent in the Northeast (former Manchuria) has shown me that you are only getting a small piece of the puzzle. The anti-Japanese sentiment here is HUGE. Any slightly negative

Anti-Japanese feeling is everywhere, all the time. TV shows still CONSTANTLY exploit that trope. There was recently one where a Chinese guy literally ripped a Japanese soldier into two pieces. Literally.

Ugh, that Jesu / Sun Kil Moon record SUCKED. What a huge disappointment.

Yep I love her performance and her character. She is the "powerful woman behind the politician" taken to a whole new level. This show is killing it with metaphors this season. Really really enjoying the ride.

The Hannibal TV series score. That would be astounding.

Yep, the Rock On cover is awesome. I love that dude's voice. I wouldn't even say "It's All Around You" is the line, I'd go with Standards. After that, they got very MEH.

Yeah TNT was good. Standards was too. After that, meh. Including the new one.