Teacher in China

I have slowly been watching season 1 of Night Gallery, and it comes with a huge caution: some of the episodes are really terrible.

Yep Doc is awesome. And yeah that episode was great, even if it did take him a little too long to realize what was going on - it got a little annoying. The zunami and the Matt/Addy episodes I just watched today, and they were both great. This show is really picking up. I think I can't stop myself from binge

Is this a piece of your brain?!

I just started watching Z Nation. It's very much a B movie version of a weekly zombie show, but there are some sweet kills (Philly's Liberty Bell stands out as one example) and bizarre elements that I dig.

Didn't even know they remade that one. I'll have to check it out thanks!

I have such a vivid memory of that video premiering on Much Music as a teenager. Seeing him hammer that spike through the TV screen seemed super cool at the time, and the song was just awesome. "Arms all oooooouuuut iiiin your Jesus Christ pose!!"

Yeah remember this all happens BEFORE TWD, so he didn't get a chance to watch it like the rest of us and learn that it was untreatable…

"But partying and screaming at cops because there might be a plague? "
You know, I want to get into AV Club's coverage of Fear the Walking Dead, but it seems like the reviewers are trying to push me away (just like they did for the original show). The people aren't rioting because there's a plague. They most likely

I want to see how the shit went down in the hospital. They need a full episode for that one, I think.

The stand up he did for Letterman's next to last show was amazing. Funniest thing I've ever seen.

Upvoted for using the same method I did to hear new music from BNW - using a 90 minute tape and trying to stay up late enough to flip it over and go to bed! Classic!

Ah, Guangdong. One of the few major areas of China that I haven't been to yet. I knew some people that taught down there as well, at a Manitoba curriculum school. Where did you teach and how did you find the experience?

Moving to Dalian in a few days from now! Really excited to get out of this tiny farming town I'm in now. You've been to China, I take it?

Well, I've been here for almost 10 years noiw, and the first few times I went home I definitely felt it and missed it a little. But since I've moved to this really small farming town, I'm tired of it. I will not miss it at all when I move to a bigger city at he end of the summer. I'm so fucking tired of the

No, they have it much worse, I know. But at least I get an inkling of what it feels like.

Awesome. Cannot wait for this. Season 1 was one of the funniest (in an uncomfortable way) shows I'd seen in ages.

Yeah I guess if I liked the album, I'd probably be inclined to completely agree with you. As it stands, I wish they had just used a different name altogether.

No one seems to have mentioned the companion EP, Fixed, yet. That was, for me, the first really fucked up and scary music I got into (along with Skinny Puppy at almost the same time). I used to listen to that all the time on my headphones in the dark and trip out at all the insanity going on.

I feel like everything post Fragile could be put into one AMAZING double album. But yeah, the albums after Fragile always had excess fat that needed to be trimmed.

Dillenger Escape Plan did a cover of that one back more than a few years ago. It managed to be less heavy than the original, which I found odd.