Teacher in China

Just listened to that today too. Has some really great tracks on it, but gets a little dull in the middle. Still, a solid effort on first listen.

True enough. But my argument to that is: why use the same old name then? They (just like the Pixies) should have known all the baggage that gets associated with that and should have known that very very few of their old fans would think this album is in any way worthwhile.

Even though I don't care much for the band, just having this review here is a step in the right direction. Hopefully, we can get back to getting more heavy music reviews on here.

I find this guy's stuff a little frustrating. Sometimes he can be so moving that I almost want to cry from the sadness of it all, and some of his heavier stuff rocks pretty hard, but quite a large portion often just comes off as way too over-earnest and cheesey. I usually end up cutting every album down to an EP's

Yeah, racism in old media can be a tough thing to handle. I treat it the same way I treat a very old relative who makes a racist joke: roll my eyes and move on. With media though, these things provide a nice time capsule for us to look back at where we were as a people not so long ago; so even if it makes me

Well I'm really glad to hear someone else say that. I felt like maybe I was more or less alone on that one. I love everything about that serial. It's so creepy in the early episodes as the gang tries to figure out what's going on, and then looking at what has happened to some of the humans under Dalek rule was

There's just something about old black and white Doctor Who that really appeals to me. Especially stories like Dalek Invasion of Earth and The Rescue - I just love the feel. And for the most part, the acting in the early stories from all involved was of a better standard (even with Hartnell flubbing his lines

Finnish band Circle did something weird too. They lent out their band name for a year to this sort of death metal band and then took on the name Falcon for themselves. Each of them even put out an album. Then when they got their band name back, they went as Circle (ex-Falcon).

I believe Fendahl was the first truly great 4th Doc episode that I saw. Caught his run near the tail end just before the regeneration story, which was when I got officially hooked on Who. This story came up randomly on PBS once, and I loved it. Probably seen it like 6 times at least, and I still love it. I love

Finally I got it on time!

Ok, I'll bite
AV Club, hire Prole Hole to continue these!!
(5% commission oughta be enough, thx)

I liked the Ark quite a bit actually, but I'm horribly biased in that 1 is my favourite Doctor. Factotum pretty much summed it up, so I won't bother repeating.

Such a well-written and enthusiastic review - why only a B? There isn't a bad song on here. Totally enjoyable album.

Sea and Bells is definitely my favourite, but Handwriting is right up there, as is Selenography. I like Music for Egon Shiele a lot, but mostly as a sleep aid (not being a smart-ass, for the longest time that was actually my sleep aid - it's so relaxing).

This was a great finale for sure. But nothing in these final shows beats Norm MacDonald's stand-up and farewell last week. Had me in tears with laughter, then just in tears.

Can't wait to hear this one!

Never heard any of that stuff before, thanks for the link. It was for the best that he left FNM - otherwise we might never have had SC3, whom are just fucking incredible, or the subsequent Faxed Head or Bungle album(s), which would have been unacceptable. Not to mention his starting of Web of Mimicry, which gave

ANd they've all three been together on stage together at the same time musically for John Zorn's Cobra. Dunn also played a set with the SC3 apparently. So I think all the fences are getting mended. Hopefully, the positive feelings of FNM reuniting will lead to Patton seeking out something similar for Bungle. I

If it's going to be that kind of movie, they need to get Kim Cardassian.

Yeah I can understand that. It was less like TV and more like televised play, especially in those early years. If you like Genesis of the Daleks, then you should continue on with that season. 4's first story, Robot, is garbage, but the rest of that season is great, and his first three seasons or so are some of the