Teacher in China

I'm surprised to see so much hate for this story. I must have no taste or something. I'm not going to sit here and call it my favourite story ever, but I found quite a lot to like about it. I like the idea of two planets being locked in perpetual war, and I especially like that one of the planets is completely run

Agreed with both of you. The old series had way more atmosphere to it. And if the characters and actors were good in it, it was awesome to watch this new world develop in front of you and find out how it was going to involve the doctor. Things often feel too rushed in the new series. I wish they were all at least

You should do yourself a favour and watch Survival before it comes to this column. That's a great McCoy story. From there, go back and watch at least the whole last season. Battlefield isn't great, but the other two stories are.

Yeah, I agree. AV Club - hire this person to continue these!! And if not, then I will gladly head to TI to check out more.

How did this not show up for me until now? I've been checking this column every day for the last week. Something screwy with this site in China I guess… dammit.

I can see why. The first doctor is one of my favourites though (and maybe even my overall favourite), so I can be a little more picky. The replacement actor didn't exactly do a terrible job, he just went a little too far is all. You really should check out some of the real first doctor's stories though. If you

Yeah but his stories get pretty dark and complex (especially with time travel); I think 2nd-3rd graders might find it a little much. Starting from 9 and going through all of 10, it's all more or less light-hearted and fun (with some exceptions, obviously).

Really? Surprised to hear you say that! I often watch more than 1 per day. In fact, just today I finished off the last episode of Armaggedon Factor and the first two of Destiny of the Daleks….

I think this is the perfect age to get into classic era Doctor Who. The cheesey FX won't look so bad to some kids' eyes, and the short chunks (22 mins or so per episode) mean that you just watch one per day and have time left over for whatever else you need to do. I guess a prerequisite is that your kid needs to be

If you don't love this album, then noise rock just ain't your thing. It is an absolute gem in that genre, and totally worth checking out. And if you think this kicks ass, just wait until Winnipeg's KENmode release their Albini produced record or month or so from now. It's a good time for Canadian noise rock.

I live in a small farming town in northwest China, and I get why really famous people end up going crazy and turning into shut-ins. It gets really tiresome, really quickly when everyone is constantly staring at you, asking you the same question you've heard 25,000,000 times already, and expecting you to enjoy being

Strange. I would put it right behind the new one at #4, although that's without having heard it in quite a long time. Maybe I'll give it a relisten this week. Finally got around to listening to one of their old ones, There's Nothing Wrong With Love. It had some high points for sure, but I would put it closer to

Perfect From Now On is my all time favourite of theirs. Keep It Like a Secret is next. After that, check out front man Doug Martch's solo record "Now You Know", I like that one a lot.

That sounds amazing. I love that record so much.

No love for Martsch's solo album from 2002? It's called "Now You Know", and I highly recommend it. Like BTS with an acoustic, bluesy feeling.

I liked the last two well enough, but they definitely were a step down from the classics you mentioned. I gotta say though, one and a half listens through right now (listening as I type this!) and I am loving this record. Give it a spin, I think you won't be disappointed.

Yeah me too, up until this episode. He was really awful.

Yep, some of that for sure. Also an over-reliance on hero ball and jump shots. We've got 5 guys that have made over 100 3 pointers this season, which ought to give you some idea. Still, when things are working as they should be (which has happened at various points throughout the year) they are a really good team

I bet I will too

Didn't expect the full on noisy pysch jam on the last track though. Not sure how much I like that, on first listen anyway.