Teacher in China

DIsappointed in the poor performance from my team, the Raptors. But on the other hand, they played shittily and still forced an overtime, so if they can get it together even a little bit, the future looks bright.

Listening to 2 different leaked albums that I've been looking forward to for a while: Faith No More's "Sol Invictus" and Built to Spill's "Untethered Moon".

Right, which goes back to my original point: it's frustrating to watch because it makes him out to be a dull sadsack with no backbone. And as someone else has already pointed out, they're going back to well too often with this pattern and it's getting boring. Anyways, I've spent way too much time commenting about

That is a very good point. I noticed that at the end too of the episode too. I hope it's a sign of either a) she's coming around and will stop treating him like garbage, or b) the show is planning some sort of reversal where Louie finds someone else just as she is beginning to realize what she has. Either way, I

Except that she's mean to him at almost every single opportunity she has, regardless of what they're talking about. She joys in embarrassing him and ripping apart his self-esteem. If the roles were reversed, commenters here would be up in arms about a brutal depiction of someone trapped in an emotionally abusive

I don't remember that so well, but I sure liked his "Year of Flops" articles. In fact, most of what he did (and still does) in the movie department is pretty darned good.

Yes, thank you!! I have been scrolling down looking to see what the reaction is to her from other people. I thought maybe I was the only one because I just couldn't understand where the show was coming from in regards to her character. Do they want us to like her or hate her? Sure, Louie doesn't seem to mind so

Yeah that's the vibe I get from Pamela for sure. She sure doesn't seem to like Louie that much. The whole relationship is just convenient for her right now. She gets the attention she wants and doesn't have to worry if something better comes along.

Wow, really? I find that relationship borderline emotionally abusive. She is constantly attacking him and he just wilts like a flower. Sometimes I feel like it's meant to be funny, but it just makes me hate her character; other times I feel like it's meant to elicit pathos for Louie, but it makes me just think of

Oh ok, I thought your comment was a criticism. I don't pay much attention to trailers these days, so I missed that. But that was always one of my favourites on the album - such an epic finish. Do you watch the Walking Dead? The penultimate episode of this season opened with the opening track from the Fragile -

There is for both season 1 and 2. Season 1 is largely forgettable in my opinion, but season 2 has a ton of great Wardruna music in it. The season 2 release is hugely long, but if you get rid of all the pretty boring Trevor Morris music, you're still left with like 40+ minutes of awesome.

My brother was telling me about this show. You're saying it's worth checking out?

I liked Wilmore on the Daily Show, but the Nightly Show did nothing for me. Watched the first 2-3 weeks and gave up on it. He's good enough as the host, but there's not enough going on there to keep me interested.

Damn that was funny, nice one

Coming soon: my least favourite part of the year - the day when the Americans ends for another season.

I sort of hate to rain on the love parade going on here becasue there are certainly far worse shows on TV than this one. But a few things are stopping me from coming back.

Yeah for sure. So many scenes with him today were just absolutely astounding, and that's due to great direction and set design as much as to the actor. Just an unbelievably good episode.

I don't agree with the read on Ragnar, despite what the character himself said. He was in a situation that was more or less win-win, and he knew that. He put it all on Floki, and if Floki succeeded then awesome, right? But if he didn't, then it could work as a punishment. I kind of see it as him trusting in the

Yeah! What about the Hebrew alphabet!!??

Blech…I hated Androids of Tara…
1) Ribos
2) Pirate Planet
3) Stones of Blood
4) Power of Kroll
5) Androids of Tara