Teacher in China

Yeah, I remember that as being quite a good one too. It's strong in my memory because I was crushed when Nyssa left….

Yeah Rohm Dutt's death was quick. And the Doctor and Romana didn't shed a single tear….in fact, they barely emoted at all. Weird choice in the script/acting. Not like they were close friends or anything, but they did escape the vines prison thing together…figured they would have at least cared a little.

Me too. I enjoyed laughing at them for revering and trying to make sense out of the actions of a mindless monster. And in that I saw a critique of man's tendencies to attach importance to random meaningless intents - something which no doubt was passed down the evolutionary chain from a time when we were as

Do they not cover that area very well either? My reading habits are kind of all over the place, so I don't really keep up with current releases. The times I have perused that section, I've come away thinking they do a decent enough job. Am I wrong in that?

Oh yeah? Which part of China? I'm in Dongbei.

What are The Bridge and The Tunnel? Are they Danish as well? Worth checking out?

I'm just making my way through season 2 now, and I think I liked season 1 better so far, even with the 20 episodes and plot twists and everything. But most of that is due to the fact that I haven't been able to find adequate subtitles for season 2, so some of the nuance is getting lost. I can still follow what's

I'd even be satisfied if AV Club reviewed the "arthouse" equivalent in music. We don't even get that. We get blockbusters and stuff just barely below the mainstream.

You're missing the point I think. Advertisements are usually very clearly advertisements. They're at the top or the bottom or the side, and it's clear that's what they are. When you put something up as an article, it should not be for the monetary benefit of any particular company unless it's very clearly labeled

You can't really judge that from this woefully incomplete list. Just scan through the comments and you'll see a ton and a half of great rock albums from the 00s.

I don't know, they had three pretty great rock albums. That seems like enough to at least earn an honourable mention.

You can't talk about great heavy and rock albums of the 90s or the 00s without mentioning at least one album with Mike Patton. You had both Tomahawk (who released three absolutely amazing albums in the 00s) and Fantomas ("The Director's Cut" alone makes it the only choice for "F", and there are two other fantastic

Wow, US Maple!? That's a nice surprise (and generous, considering two of their best, "Long Hair in Three Stages" and "Talker" were both 90s albums). WHat a great fucking band they were.

So….should AV Club start just basically labeling these things as advertisements? Seems like that would be appropriate.

Nope, never seen it, but maybe i'll give it a try. Loved Borgen and Forbrydelsen. It's fun listening to how similar Danish is to English in some parts, and they do seem to have a knack for great TV (judging by all 2 of the shows I've seen…)

God, are you joking? She is by far still the worst thing about this show. If she weren't on it, I might be able to bear watching it. I'm officially done as of this episode.

Yeah and beat him up despite the fact that her hands are so sore…something made abundantly clear in all those "oh my hands are so sore" scenes they clunkily put in….geez, this show sucks.

Anyone interested in "Forbrydelsen"? It's the Danish series "the Killing" was based on done by the guy who did "Borgen" (but before that show). Watching the first series, I couldn't help but draw some comparisons to Broadchurch: the antagonistic nature of the two lead detectives, the focus on the lives of the people

Yeah, it took me more than three weeks to get through these four stories. Just couldn't stomach how awful a lot of it was a lot of the time. Couldn't be happier that it's over. Wonder if I can get through the remainders in time to match Christopher's reviews of "Armageddon"?

I actually remember thinking that one was ok. Especially the score.