
Deep down Obama is a Democrat which means he won't get anything done. Watch out for the first black Republican President. THAT shit will not be televised.

Treefingers is not a real song.

Muse is just the Darkness scaled back by 50%.

Fred was on T0sh.0

"Tandem". . . You suck.

Eddie Murphy has fallen further than Dan Akroyd. Murphy was raw, he was black, he was awesome. Now he only thinks fat suits are funny. Akroyd has always been a goof that could deliver well-written jokes. Shame on Murphy; pity Akroyd.

You're not wrong, you're just not very funny.

Dan Akroyd is willing to use a Jim where only a John will suffice. This is the difference between him and Bill Murray.

I like that one too.

Mostly everyone on Reno 911 gets a lifetime pass because they were incredibly funny and stupidly unsuccessful.

They should have gone the Bowie route
Transformers 3: The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars.

The DARK of the Moon. I.e. the abstract trait possessed by the moon. Or will there be the DARK transformers that live on the moon that will come to Earth. Explosions will ensue.

Really? It seems like you might have something more to say.

It does not exist.

Am I the only one who thought the pillow fight scene in Billy Elliott was hot? Seriously, check it again.

Punctuation: D. Missing comma, extraneous exclamation points.
Format: C. All-Caps is reserved for serious emphasis or ZMF.
Content: F. You knew what this was.
Screen name and avatar: B+. An interesting commentary on Tom Cruise.

Read my last post and imagine a vagina gargling with mouthwash.

So I've learned something here today in these comments. Apparently douche is made of vinegar. Correct me if I have no reason to ever know this, but wouldn't that hurt to swish vinegar in a vagina?

fucking "body's"

The pope understands the problems with removing the bodies natural protective . . . stuff.