
I'm looking forward to Evil Abed breaking into the prime universe.  That is definitely going to be a recurring theme. 

I laughed the hardest at Troy seeing the troll doll.  The build up of the doll and Troy not wanting to miss anything with everything being in utter chaos when he returns was just brilliant. 

Grow a pair, East Coast.

No Julian
But I'm sure Yoko will do it.

I have no further comment

While I disagree with you sir, I will defend your IP rights.

IP rights
Also you can't copyright an idea, only the expression of that idea. Even if Spurlock had said he like the idea, unless he copied their movie or script or suits, he is allowed to give his expression of the idea.

I just found that exchange quite entertaining.

If you have a soul you like this movie.

Shut up.

Well that would be ideal but I would settle for plausibly consensual sex with any of them.

Kanye really should be taking a step back and realizing that (A) a president of the United States cared about what he said, and (B) everyone in the media still thinks the exchange is newsworthy. This escapade should stroke his ego, not leave him hating Matt Lauer.

Matt Lauer is the new Larry King.

I think Jackson whacked Culkin, Lewis, and about half of the kids that accused him. Or is it the other way around?

A shill is the best metaphor for a pop star I've ever heard. And a Futurama-inspired screen name to boot. Well done, senor.

You are wise not to put ZMF on that list.

I feel dirty.


I fear I am a hipster. I don't have a fixie though.

Wild, fucking, rabid, man-beast is perhaps the most accurate description of Henry Rollins I've heard recently.