

I don't think you understand what a douche is.


Your comment, sir, was dull from start to finish. If you're going to suck, at least learn how to cuss or something.

So they'll have Gredo shoot first and Roman Polanksi will direct. All problems solved. Ever.

They should get Dennis Quaid for the Randy Quaid movie. You know, class it up a little bit.

You guys are missing the point. Violence against children is okay so long as it's children COMMITTING the violence. It's kind of like the N-word.

Bean said that! … before the genocide, that is.

They need to make A Wrinkle in Time into a kids movie that will scare that crap out of them.


Brock Lesnar needs to play Donatello.

We have learned nothing from Dune.

I volunteer to punch anyone that says that.

It's still not too late for them to introduce a dancing dwarf in a red room saying "Doppelganger" in a super creepy way.

…or LA needs more than one spinal surgeon.

Fa rah rah rah rah Rah rah rah RAH!

John Locke is a beautifully tragic character throughout Lost. It is very interesting to see Jack bristle at Not-Locke calling him a sucker, because now Jack, the man of science, finds himself disliking the fact that his counterpart man of faith has died for nothing because it wasn't real. Jack seems to be finding

The claiming of Jack was a poignant moment because Jack had just finally started to reason well that he shouldn't be trying to leave the island. He finally seemed to have stopped being reactionary and thought through what was going on and what his role was.

I thought Miles was holding a piece of paper, but the biggest loophole police use to get around the Fourth Amendment is to just get the citizen's permission to enter or search a car and so on. She let him in, even though she wasn't particularly exicted about it.