
Maybe we would take slugworth more seriously if he actually registered a commenter name.

I liked the bacon joke. Instead of objecting to Miles' unnecessarily mean (and coincidentally untrue) joke about Hurley. Lapidus objects to talking about bacon when he can't have any.

The Penis Warrior has passed his Simpsons test. He will now be allowed to have a permanent account.

Indeed, Desmond for Kwisatz Haderach. He's going to learn to control his mind-skips and become even more bad-ass.

I enjoyed her taking off her shirt, but I'm mostly over it. I'd like to see Jin be more bad-ass but that's about it. Whatever side gets Desmond, Jin and Sayid wins out of sheer ass-kickery.

The flash sideways is going no where. It's just character development to let us know what these characters would have been like if the island never got ahold of them. We learned the most about Ben, but Locke's was also quite telling.

Using the term "package" implies that there is something significant about him beyond who he is as a person. He is a tool of sorts, though call the episode "the tool" would not really have worked.

With the shadows on the water and sub my first reaction was that the package was in fact Sayid from the alternative universe and they were having a moment staring at each other.

The more important point to make about Keamy not dying after being shot is that this is just another example of Sayid shooting somebody and them not dying. I agree with all the above: spend another bullet and make it official.

She has that bag of Jacob ash hanging around her neck.

No, I'm saying my dick is named John Lennon.

Oh Jacob "touched" Sun, if you know what I mean, eh? eh? eh?

Desmond is the key to this whole thing along with Faraday to explain how he is the key.

So why can't UnLocke just kill Ilana? Is she protected somehow?

My dick is nearsighted.

Booooo! I do not grant you a second reprieve this week.

Significance of this would be what? Other than that S'mores are delicious.

But the real question is what free will could possibly be left after being told by a hot powerful woman that she would "have" you.

Widmore, still bad-ass and rich as shit.

I hope you're not implying that that would be too far-fetched for a show so grounded in reality such as LOST.