Foiled Again

Azzerad's book is worthwhile but for no feature than its Minutemen story.

I find it an essential book not only for the various narratives and individual histories that weave into the 'Birth Of Punk' but also in its description of the fin-de-siecle of the Detroit years [Stooges, MC5] that provided a wrecking yard for new bands and individuals to dig through and reassemble components into The

I'm in agreement- that LP sports 'Tension', 'Unspeakable' and especially 'Follow The Leader', all pummeling masterpieces.

That was the one-  kinda says something about KJ's performance that it was possible to forget the 'Mats opening…!

Saw these guys in 1981 at a small club in Minneapolis.  Scared the bejesus out of me.  Coleman's schtick was gleefully malignant, face all dolled up with dirt and grease, and arguably one of the best rhythm sections around at the time churning up jagged mayhem.  Yikes!  Memorable show.

Yeah.  I'm a lot less impressed with the snark shown here than the interpretation of the song, which I find sweet, short and lilting.

Yeah.  The album didn't live up to its cover.  Nice pooch, though.

Hope it's better than Excellent Italian Greyhound.  That one didn't billow my sails much.

"I feel a stirring in my little Clonus".

Exactly.  That scene is forever intertwined with the song, for me.

Or by smacking your forehead against the kitchen counter three times.

WSOP reminds me of 'Withnail And I', which is good.

Crappy?  That thing rules!

Yes.  I'm a lapsed/agnostic Catholic, and a few similarly-backgrounded friends turned up their collective nose at O'Connor-   I told them they truly do not know what they're missing, being so doctrinaire.   A Southern Catholic writer like O'Connor can shed light on some pretty murky places.

F O'C is my life's blood.  I got hold of her collected works a few years back and could not put it down.  I even reread all her correspondence.  Just absolutely brilliant work, hilarious and deadly.

All the names in The Idiot make it a bit of a challenge, too.

I'm keeping my eyes out on stems for a copy of The Glass Key.  Really want to dive into that book.

I read Swanberg's biography of WR Hearst last summer.  Sharp book.

Misanthrope is on my coffee table.  Moliere-  now there was a rhymin' guy.

Vonnegut and lots of it- Sirens of Titan, Player Piano, Cat's Cradle, Breakfast Of Champions, Mother Night and Slaughterhouse-Five.  All Kurt, all the time.