
of course I had a butt double!

he was doing some heavy lifting during the sob scene where he shut her eyes with his hand (nice red and black outfit on Virginia too)

fat elvis is still better than skinny everything else

anytime a female politician cries in public it's a 10 point poll boost. Kristina's winning this time.

the cake was the braverman of the week

big win with charlie's accent at the end " please excuse me, i have grown quite WEAARY"

Unless Morgan and the boys have a jetpack they can't take shots from the entire left side of the "court" or the right side either it's just like a free throw lane. Will this netting catch a human trying to get the ball and go over the side? it's just a bad idea for a lot of reasons.

the side of a high rise is the worst place to put a basketball hoop

Masters' sleepwalking… he shambles around the house turning on the radio, the tv and whatever else that makes noise. Like his mother used to do when he was getting beat. The whole Masters' plot line with the abused little boy really got to me.

I know gillian is insane, terrible and all around awful but grechen mol keeps pulling those sympathy strings.

if we accept that 10% of the population is homosexual, that leaves 90% that aren't. Looking at the bell curve, the bottom or top 10% are in fact about 2 and a half or 3 SD away from the mean. People interpret Masters as being disgusted with gay sex, he really is just talking about the statistics.

Lady, just because I'm an ignorant black man and you paid me a nickel to buff up your chifforobe, doesn't give you the right to call me ridiculous just 'cause I'm proud of my son. *sits down* They got me. The honkey's got me.

way to plant, Ann! you can't knock her over.

where's homo-rabia now, Ken?

RIP Country Mac

that's what happens if It's Always Sunny was on HBO

"does…my…dick… work?"
"unfortunately, your penis is not functional"
"kill… me…"

RIP Bunheads.

this dude Ethan is living in the tail end of the age of men… that all the 65+ year old male fox news viewers pine for…

if he really likes to watch, and proves that to his wife, he's basically admitted that every day at work is a sexual playground for him.