
Been catching up with a binge, so there was no social media to tip me off to the big twist. You're all like "nah, it's Kate mara… what are they gonna do" and then wham. It really upends expectations. That's good tv in my book. or at least different enough to be interesting.

its got Robert Duvall and Morgan Freeman how bad could it be

fun fact NdT lettered in wrestling at Harvard.

"… Nick is my bitch."

The Bruno stuff was telling the current, 2014, anti-science Christian church to get stuffed in advance. These are people who have a museum in Kentucky with dinosaurs being ridden by cavemen. With saddles.

it was an apple with a bite taken out of it

where did we come from? Where do we go?

I wonder how it feels to be burned alive. Gotta be a tough way to go. Hopefully the smoke knocks you out before it gets too progressed. Oh yeah what were we talking about?

This is a lazy comparison. Mindy wears great outfits and accessorizes. Leah wears disgusting rompers or nothing at all. Mindy is funny, not so sure the same can be said for Leah.

This show is called the Mindy Project. Which implies it's a hot mess that will never get it together. Kinda like Mindy herself. I think it works. Recently had the task of picking a DVD for the visiting family and the season 1 (24 eps) of Mindy killed. It's fun and light.

responding to a reposted daily mail comment i know is like talking to a wall but the fact remains Nagasu came in 3rd. She couldn't beat Polina who also fell in her program at Nationals. bottom line the US Committee knew this wasn't their year. With SK and Japan both legit gold medal contenders, and the russians, and

it's insane this guy's taint

The Pawnee people are extremely fickle. History could remember Leslie knope as the woman who stole back Eagleton from the rich folks. She could be mayor of that dump. She needs to pick a different table to play poker at cause she busted out of this one.

Now my rash smells like bacon, and it doesn't itch anymore. I think we're going to be okay.

ill have some of the yella. and don't get cheap on me

everytime i hear "mele kalikimaka" i get a chubby.

changing $1500!

JLD kills it as Margo the 80's yuppie bitch

"Hello mother - we'd like to give you a ride but you look craaaaa-zy."

when they flash back to Aunt Gail in highschool, she's basically Tina without glasses. "It's Mine NOW!"