
we usually have all the coochies lined up by the sink… but it's slow.

or even just later like the early 60's "space age" early season Mad Men or venture brothers. The period props and sets are totally awesome. Dr Masters' house is ridiculous.

the best credits on tv right now is Orange is the New Black. Regina Spektor's You've Got Time is amazing.

i also am late to the party and catching up… this guy was Wesley Snipes on 30 Rock right? "I am having a small rrrrrrrr-esidency iss-ue"

i dont remember a Paul on 30 Rock. I remember a great man named Pete Hornburger who was an archery champion. (stupid peanut farmer)

Nice place. Stick with us we'll get you into a place with indoor plumbing.

good luck with your skit!

it was some kind of American car (500 under the hood) but ya don't need myth busters to know that an M60 will shoot thru just about anything

Was that Kenneth? What's going on in New York? Did he go to Russell Simmons' birthday party? Were there girls there with butts?

Walt poisoned Lydia because he knew she ordered him killed that evening. It was pre-venge.

you shined shoes for two years, and never made a profit 

wow Gene wrote this?!

in Carpe Museum when Andy and Ollie aren't listed buddies… they wail like the other was dead.


howerton's face when the dude read the memo on the check (faced!) was also hilarious.

the DEA sucks, mystery solved.  look at how good they are at preventing drugs.

when Claudette hugged her visitor it was cry time for me. But in a good way.

Weeds had some moments of amazing-ness but also some terrible casting problems that never went away. This cast seems to be much better chosen.

It isn't clear that Red and the Russians are on such great terms. She did a tit punch in epi 2 and who knows how it all ended up before she got locked up. It could be a situation where Red has to do whatever they say or someone she loves gets the business. Not exactly a place where she can demand favors. Or would even

the emmys can eat a dick. these are the same people who think Modern Family is the greatest comedy eva