
That woman was in Eastenders. How DARE YOU humiliate her?

What about him? Whats this business, with the face like a slapped arse?

eiffel tower!

Aaron Paul is like late stage Hamlet, just friggin crazed with guilt. Like the Bard, it's easy to predict everyone ends up dead. These flash forwards… it's like Walt is the last one left on Earth.

maybe i was too harsh. But most of Daft Punk's new album are real sounds. Nile Rogers on a real bass for example.

What music do you get? I don't know you but chances are it's something that peaked in 1972. Daft Punk is the future.

I was in the Virgin Islands once. I met a girl. We ate lobster, drank piña coladas. At sunset, we made love like sea otters. _That_ was a pretty good day. Why couldn't I get _that_ day over, and over, and over…

turns out Hank was right.

I am in over my head. What made me think that I could teach high school? I so wanted to be like "Welcome Back, Kotter." Now I'm like the real Gabe Kaplan… I am a loser.

Jams and Jellies, Jellies and Jams!

He was a beautiful man… I knew him… briefly.

Johnathan Joss who does John Redcorn is hilarious. Not just for his work on KOTH and big mountain fudgecake but for his Parks and Rec appearances as Ken Hotate. "Water? You mean like Firewater? I'm offended. But seriously I'd like a whiskey"


The only woman I'm pimping from now on is sweet lady propane. And I'm trickin' her out all over this town…"

Bill: What part of the ocean?

the entire Lucky character was amazing. It's Tom Friggin Petty. Costco is where he slipped and fell on the pee-pee and also features in another Mike Judge masterpiece, Idiocracy "welcome to Costco, I love you"

I often have been referred to as a creeper.

In USA you have In God We Trust on your money. In Russia, we have no money!

my explanation is that Rusty used his serum… again. Maybe after a tweak to make it less mutate-y.

that dude really was a bedwetter