
This truly is a golden age of tv.

HankCo t shirt finally came in the mail. It came with 1 Hank Buck. TRUST IN HANK!

Bloody hell, guess that's my one, then.

I'm dying. But not because of the turds. Can I have another turd?

ya know that dance wasn't as safe as they said it was

saw an article that said Daft Punk's album launch was disappointing because it didn't sell well in week 2. I guess it's all disappointing if you are expecting Thriller numbers.

He was great as Meekus in Zoolander. Earth to Derek!

Hank is an androgynous rock star, who wears a ridiculous strength suit. It's like Bowie crossed with Iron Man crossed with Ed wood.

Swings and roundabouts

poor Yog, such a pessimist

oh you Irish, you're all mad! (yep we're all insane).

I don't like the way Derrick is looking at us.

I'm still reeling from your answer to question 12.  You brush your teeth in the bath? That's where your balls are.

I thought I could make it work between us, because you looked a bit like a man

So you never had a look? At what? HIS BUM!


I don't think this is taking into account leap years… so that could well be something to hold onto…

ok so St Cloud bet a million dollars and Rusty bet the X-1. Quizboy has the bag of dracmas. Win for Rusty or no bet? either way i doubt St. Cloud comes through.


i would watch a spinoff of all Brocks bastard children.