
Kenny called, he's in jail. He didn't leave a number. Sincerely, the guy on the couch.

Aintcha heard? Imma whore-child.

Hot Dolphin!

i'll come back for yooooooouuu!

the Mindy Project is actually a huge commercial for stuff. I watch this show with my special lady friend and she delights in moments such as "I have that sweater!" and "OMG, that's a really expensive handbag!"

8 year olds, dude

Does the female form make you uncomfortable, Mr. Lebowski? 
Uh, is that what this is a picture of? 
In a sense, yes. My art has been commended as being strongly vaginal which bothers some men. The word itself makes some men uncomfortable. Vagina.

"get him out of here" Jim rash is carrying this show on his back right now.

I want to see a whole episode dedicated to the delta cubes.

thats the thing. A barbershop shave is awesome. But it lasts about 2 days max. You have to be scrooge mcduck to get a pro shave every day.

release the whores

it actually got picked up for a 2nd season.

it is notable that the devil is brown and all the "heroes" are white.

to big to nail

party time

this episode wasn't great but I did chuckle when Dwight fired a shotgun multiple times into a coffin. Good times.

Eliza Dushku as a brainless doll was a master stroke of casting. I liked this show, despite no one else watching it. The ending when Whedon put multiple seasons of plot into 2 episodes was like a whole different show.

And they had no hole in the center of the record. 
It would teeter crazily on the little spindle. 
No, you had to provide it yourself. They were still good records. Good product. 
If you punched a hole in them, you'd have a good time.

you can probably get 5 bucks for a sealed gambler. which sounds awful. but considering that most records are 1 dollar or so, it's not bad.

new, properly mastered vinyl does sound better than CD, FLAC or MP3. It's warmer and you can tell the difference on a big system. Especially in the high highs and the low lows.  Those who say there is no difference are probably listening on headphones. It's true there are millions of 1 dollar gamblers out there. How