I Call The Big One Bitey

Wolf Parade
remind me of bands like The Strokes, Interpol, and Arcade Fire, who are all
coincidentally releasing new stuff this year. People will always say their next album "Is not as good as the first" which is not fair. Their debuts are classics but bands need to grow or else it would get boring.

Been listening non stop since it leaked
Love the album.

Sorry for the typos I'm using an iPhone.

Homer's Enemy
Saying The Simpsons jumped the shark in Season 8 has always made me crazy. I think they still had another 2 classic seasons and a couple good ones before they should have quit. To me the clip show were Homer is dressed lime Forest Gump on the bench was shark jumping moment. At the end of the episode the

I blame
Futurama for the decline of The Simpsons.

No mention of
Stay Close? One of my favorites of 2010.

What the heck
I just submitted the post once. Sorry.

Sort of disappointed
but The 59 Sound is so good I can't fault them.

That would be a great way to kick off Season 4!

I still don't think Walt is truly evil. I think if push comes to shove (no pun intended) he would give up his life for his family.

My thoughts exactly. I was thinking to myself the whole time "What is going on?"

I'd like to thank The AV Club
for always having interesting and thought-provoking reviews of this amazing show. I look forward to them almost as much as the actual program.

Plea to Vince
Please don't make us wait another year for new episodes!

What the hell?
On my TV it said the finale would be 1 hour and 47 minutes. Other than that this past season has been some of the best television I have ever watched. There is no way I can wait another year for new episodes.

Are you going to
Review all The Simpsons episodes?

Mr. Show
kills The State

If The Andy Griffith Show were animated
it would be called King of the Hill. That's a good thing.

The ending reminded me of
The Fountain. A very underrated film about accepting death.

I'll admit it
I cried.

I thought everyone was watching Lost
That's why I missed this show.